MFA Press Statement: Special ASEAN-Japan Ministerial Meeting, Jakarta, 9 April 2011

09 April 2011

Senior Minister of State Zainul Abidin Rasheed at a pull-aside meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto [Photo: MFA]

In response to the earthquake and tsunami disaster that struck the Tohoku region of Japan on 11 March 2011, Indonesia, in its capacity as ASEAN Chair, convened a Special ASEAN-Japan Ministerial Meeting in Jakarta today to express ASEAN's unity with Japan and discuss ASEAN-Japan cooperation on the management of disasters in the region. The meeting was opened by Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and co-chaired by Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa and Japanese Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto. Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Mr Zainul Abidin Rasheed represented Singapore at the meeting.

The ASEAN Member States expressed their solidarity with the government and people of Japan as the country continues to deal with its recovery and reconstruction efforts. They expressed their admiration for the Japanese people's determination and discipline in overcoming their many difficulties, and underlined their confidence that Japan will fully recover from the crisis and emerge stronger as a nation. In this regard, the ASEAN Member States reiterated their commitment to support the ongoing relief and recovery efforts in Japan.

The Foreign Ministers had a good discussion on how ASEAN and Japan could work together to enhance regional cooperation and to mitigate the impact of natural disasters that may strike the region. They noted that such regional cooperation was important in further deepening ASEAN-Japan relations and the forging of closer linkages between the peoples of our two regions.

Senior Minister of State Mr Zainul Abidin Rasheed also held a pull-aside meeting with Foreign Minister Matsumoto on the sidelines of the meeting. Mr Zainul reiterated Singapore's offer of further relief assistance to Japan and our readiness to work with the Japanese government to contribute to the long-term reconstruction efforts in the disaster-stricken areas of northeast Japan. Foreign Minister Matsumoto thanked Singapore for the offer.
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9 APRIL 2011


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