MFA Press Statement: Call by Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Mr Nikola Gruevski on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, 29 November 2011

During a visit to Singapore to participate in the "Spotlight on Macedonia - Emerging Investment & Trade Opportunities" Seminar organised by the Singapore Business Federation on 29 November 2011, Prime Minister of the Republic of Macedonia Mr Nikola Gruevski paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Istana earlier this afternoon. During the call, the two leaders affirmed the friendly relations between Singapore and the Republic of Macedonia, acknowledged the close cooperation between our two countries at international forums such as the United Nations, and agreed that it is in our mutual interests as small countries to work together to further strengthen bilateral cooperation. PM Gruevski also updated PM Lee on the latest developments in Macedonia.


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29 NOVEMBER 2011


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