MFA Press Statement: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's attendance at the 19th ASEAN Summit and Related Summits, Bali, Indonesia (17 November 2011)

17 November 2011


Caption: PM Lee had separate meetings with Myanmar President Thein Sein (left) and Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen (right) at the sidelines of the ASEAN Summit 2011 [Photo: MFA]


Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong attended the 19th ASEAN Summit today in Bali. During the Summit, the ASEAN Leaders had frank and substantive discussions on a range of topics. They affirmed their commitment to ASEAN's 2015 Community building targets and emphasised the need to continue making progress on the implementation of the three Community Blueprints and the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity. The Leaders discussed the role of ASEAN in the global community and in that regard, the Leaders signed the Bali Declaration on an ASEAN Community in a Global Community of Nations (Bali Concord III). The leaders also exchanged views on relevant regional and international issues.

At the 19th ASEAN Summit, PM Lee announced that Singapore would be extending its support for the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) from 2012 to 2015. The IAI will contribute to ASEAN's Community building and integration efforts, as well as help narrow the development gap in the region. This latest package, valued at S$50 million, is Singapore's fourth pledge to the IAI.

PM Lee also had separate meetings with Myanmar President Thein Sein and Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen at the sidelines of the Summit.

In his meeting with Myanmar President Thein Sein, PM Lee and President Thein Sein reaffirmed the longstanding bilateral ties between Singapore and Myanmar. President Thein Sein briefed PM Lee on recent developments in Myanmar. PM Lee welcomed the significant progress made by the Myanmar government towards national reconciliation, and expressed Singapore's support for Myanmar to assume the ASEAN Chairmanship in 2014. Both leaders also pledged to strengthen bilateral economic cooperation. PM Lee reiterated President's invitation for President Thein Sein to make a State Visit to Singapore. President Thein Sein, in turn, invited PM Lee to visit Myanmar at a mutually convenient time.

PM Lee and PM Hun Sen renewed their friendship and noted the warm and long-standing relations between Singapore and Cambodia. PM Lee expressed Singapore's condolences on the loss of lives and damage caused by the floods and conveyed Singapore's readiness to assist where required. PM Hun Sen briefed PM Lee on Cambodia's priorities for its Chairmanship of ASEAN in 2012, and PM Lee reaffirmed Singapore's readiness to work closely with Cambodia to make its Chairmanship in 2012 a success.


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17 NOVEMBER 2011

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