MFA Spokesman's Comments on the announcement by the Government of the Union of Myanmar on the Discontinuation of Assignment of the UNDP Resident Coordinator in Myanmar

Commenting on the announcement by the Government of the Union of Myanmar on the Discontinuation of Assignment of the UNDP Resident Coordinator in Myanmar the MFA Spokesman said:

"Singapore is deeply disappointed to learn of the Myanmar government's decision to discontinue the assignment of the UNDP Resident Coordinator Charles James Petrie in Myanmar. This announcement has come at a most inopportune time, just before the arrival of UNSG Special Advisor Ibrahim Gambari. It also sends an inconsistent message about Myanmar's willingness to continue engaging the UN in improving its domestic political and socio-economic situation.

Singapore urges the Myanmar government to continue keeping up its engagement with the UNDP and UNSG Good Offices, as they offer hope for Myanmar to resolve key socio-economic problems, and to work towards peaceful national reconciliation with all groups in the country."







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