MFA Spokesman's Comments in response to media queries on the attacks against the United Kingdom’s Embassy in Tehran, Iran on 29 November 2011

In response to media queries on the attacks against the United Kingdom's Embassy in Tehran, Iran on 29 November 2011, the MFA Spokesman said:


"This is unacceptable behaviour for any state that desires an honourable place in the community of nations. The international obligations for all states as set out in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations on the protection of diplomatic property and personnel are clear. To flout them undermines the very foundations of international relations and thus threatens all of us, particularly small states for whom the rule of international law is a vital national interest. Singapore condemns the attacks against the United Kingdom's Embassy in Tehran, Iran on 29 November 2011. We strongly urge Iran, a country with an ancient and proud civilization, to live up to its own traditions, respect international law, restore order and prevent repeat of the attacks against diplomatic missions in Tehran in compliance with its international obligations."

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