MFA Press Statement: Congratulatory Messages from Singapore Leaders to President Pratibha Patil and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of the Republic of India (25 January 2012)

President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong have written to congratulate President Pratibha Patil and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of the Republic of India on the occasion of India's 63rd Republic Day. Copies of the congratulatory letters are attached.

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25 JANUARY 2012



6 January 2012

Her Excellency Pratibha Patil
Republic of India

Your Excellency,

Please accept my warmest congratulations and best wishes to Your Excellency and the people of India on the occasion of India's 63rd Republic Day.

Singapore and India have long enjoyed a warm and friendly relationship. Our history, heritage and culture are intertwined and our people-to-people linkages have been growing through cultural and tourism exchanges.

I am confident that the strong foundation on which our ties have been built will further strengthen in the years ahead as our governments continue their joint efforts to forge new areas of cooperation.

Please accept, Your Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.



4 January 2012

Dear Prime Minister,

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Singapore, I congratulate Your Excellency and the Government of India on India's 63 rd Republic Day.

India is an important friend to Singapore . The Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) that we signed in 2005 remains the cornerstone of our economic links . I look forward to successfully concluding the Second Review of the CECA, which will enhance mutual trade and investment flows. We should also explore new areas of collaboration and strengthen our bilateral ties.

This year also marks the 10th anniversary of the ASEAN-India Summit and 20 years of ASEAN-India dialogue. India has a significant role to play in the region. We welcome India's continuing and active engagement of ASEAN in its Look East policy.

I was pleased to host you during your first official bilateral visit as Prime Minister to Singapore last November . I look forward to visiting India in July and to see for myself the ongoing transformation of India under your leadership.

Please accept once again my warmest regards on this special occasion.

Yours Sincerely,
Lee Hsien Loong

His Excellency Dr Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister
Republic of India

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