MFA Press Statement: Meetings between Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam with US Members of Congress, Washington DC, 2 February 2012

As part of his introductory visit to the United States of America, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam was warmly welcomed by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the US Department of State in Washington DC on 1 February 2012. During their meeting, they noted with satisfaction the excellent state of the long-standing bilateral relationship, and agreed to broaden and deepen current areas of bilateral cooperation. Apart from a good exchange of views on bilateral issues, Minister Shanmugam and Secretary Clinton also had a substantive discussion on regional and global issues of mutual concern, including the US' engagement of Asia, the ASEAN-US relationship and developments in Northeast and Southeast Asia.

After the meeting, Minister Shanmugam and Secretary Clinton issued a Joint Vision Statement on a New Political Framework (attached). They also signed two Memorandums of Understanding (MOU). The first is the MOU on the Establishment of an Institutionalised Strategic Dialogue which will institutionalise the existing regular discussions at the Senior Officials' level between the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US Department of State. The second is the MOU on the Singapore-US Third Country Training Programme which will provide a formal framework for both countries to collaborate on providing technical assistance to developing countries, particularly those in ASEAN, in areas such as public health, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, information communications technology, sustainable development, aid for trade, English language training, education, and economic development.


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United States - Singapore Joint Vision Statement on New Political Framework
February 1, 2012

We, Minister for Foreign Affairs K. Shanmugam of the Republic of Singapore and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton of the United States of America met today to review the array of close bilateral, regional and global engagement between the two countries. We introduced new mechanisms to further strengthen our partnership and cooperation for the benefit of the Asia-Pacific region.

Our governments and peoples share a long standing interest in maintaining peace, prosperity, and stability in the region, expanding the benefits of freer and more open trade, promoting security, protecting diversity and respecting the rule of law. The United States and Singapore have long sought and found common ground and cooperation when examining issues facing the Asia-Pacific region.

As we look to the challenges of the 21st century, our shared democratic values and common interests will continue to guide our collective efforts. The United States-Singapore strategic partnership will be rooted in enhanced political and economic dialogue aimed at meaningful cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. Our governments launched an annual Strategic Partnership Dialogue with the next dialogue to occur in Singapore in 2013. We look forward to continued cooperation on economic, political and military, environment, security, education and cultural exchanges that benefit our countries, the Asia-Pacific region and globally.

Our ongoing, senior and working-level dialogues strive to develop solutions to challenges such as non-proliferation, counterterrorism, maritime security, transnational crime, connectivity and economic integration, energy and disaster response management. This cooperation will be in support of regional institutions including the East Asia Summit, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and other regional organizations and initiatives.

We are intensifying our work to encourage increased people-to-people ties between the United States and Singapore, encouraging innovation and promoting commercial and trade relationships inclusive of the broad diversity of our nations with focus on women, youth and future leaders.

In all of these areas and the new ones, we will jointly explore solutions to emerging 21st century challenges, and rely on our shared beliefs and aspirations when applying dynamic and practical solutions.


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