MFA Press Statement: Visit of Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs Masagos Zulkifli to Japan, 13-18 March 2012

17 March 2012

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Home Affairs Masagos Zulkifli officiated a ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of a new multi-purpose hall in Rikuzentakata City, Iwate Prefecture today.


Rikuzentakata City was one of the worst hit areas in the March 11th Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami last year. The new multi-purpose hall at Rikuzentakata City will be built with funds collected from the Singapore Red Cross (SRC) public appeal last year to support Japan's relief and reconstruction efforts. S$11 million has been earmarked for the construction of the hall, which is the largest of a series of reconstruction projects funded by the SRC in the affected areas. The new hall will be used by local residents for various community-related activities, and will serve as a Disaster Relief Centre for Rikuzentakata City.

MOS Masagos delivered a speech at the ground-breaking ceremony. Also present were Ambassador-at-Large Chew Tai Soo, who was appointed in March 2011 as the coordinator of Singapore's national efforts to support the Japanese people, as well as SRC Chairman Mr Tee Tua Ba.

Earlier in the day, MOS Masagos and his delegation were hosted to lunch by Mayor of Rikuzentakata City Futoshi Toba. MOS Masagos also visited the disaster-affected areas in the city and was briefed on the ongoing recovery efforts.

Yesterday, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Joe Nakano hosted lunch for MOS Masagos and his delegation. Both men reaffirmed the warm and long-standing relations between Singapore and Japan, and exchanged views on strengthening bilateral and regional cooperation. Parliamentary Vice-Minister Nakano also thanked the people of Singapore for their generous support for Japan during the March 11th disasters last year.

MOS Masagos returns to Singapore tomorrow.

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17 MARCH 2012



Mayor of Rikuzentakata Futoshi Toba

Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen


My delegation and I are deeply honoured to join all of you this afternoon for this very meaningful and important ground-breaking ceremony for the new Rikuzentakata multi-purpose hall. One year ago, the world watched in horror as the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami wreaked widespread devastation across northeast Japan. Rikuzentakata City, located right next to the coast, was one of the worst-hit areas. Almost everyone in this city has lost a family member, relative, friend or neighbour. On top of the tragic loss of lives, a few thousand houses, as well as the municipal government, the commercial district and community facilities, were all destroyed by the towering tsunami waves.

I just travelled into Rikuzentakata City this morning. I saw for myself the immense damage caused by the disasters. Indeed, the deep scars left behind despite the City's commendable rebuilding efforts are testament to nature's destructive power. It is a humbling experience and I can only imagine the suffering that the people of Rikuzentakata City have had to endure. Yet in the face of such a major calamity, you have reacted with extraordinary unity, dignity, and determination. There have been countless heart-warming stories of the Japanese people selflessly helping one another and pulling together to overcome the many challenges faced. These strong kizuna, or bonds, have deeply touched us and are an inspiration for everyone around the world.

Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen

The Japanese people are not alone in this time of difficulty. We in Singapore continue to keep Japan in our thoughts and prayers. In the aftermath of the disasters, an appeal made by the Singapore Red Cross for contributions saw an overwhelming response, with over S$35 million (2,100 million yen) raised for relief and rebuilding efforts, which are now being channelled in part to reconstruction projects such as the one we are embarking on today. Many Singaporeans also visited the Tohoku region to volunteer in the affected areas. I understand that one year on, a number of these Singaporeans have returned to the Tohoku region to lend their support in various ways. All these examples serve to demonstrate the strong people-to-people links between Japanese and Singaporeans.

Today, we gather here to mark a new phase in the redevelopment and rejuvenation of Rikuzentakata City. The multi-purpose hall is the largest reconstruction project funded by the donations collected by the Singapore Red Cross. It is the product of many months of close collaboration between the Singapore and Japanese authorities and the Singapore Red Cross. The new multi-purpose hall will replace the community hall that was destroyed by the tsunami. The new building, which will be built on the hill next to where we are today, will house a community hall, meeting rooms and exhibition spaces, amongst others. The building is also designed with the aim of enhancing Rikuzentakata City's disaster preparedness. It will be integrated with the City's fire and police departments, and will serve as a Disaster Relief Centre.

The multi-purpose hall is but a small contribution from Singapore. Nonetheless, I hope that it will go some way in serving the needs of the people of Rikuzentakata City, and become an enduring symbol of the strong kizunabetween Singapore and Japan, and between Singapore and Rikuzentakata City.

Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen

The road towards complete recovery and rehabilitation of the affected areas will not be easy. But I am confident that the people of Rikuzentakata City and of Japan will overcome the many challenges and rebuild a country that is stronger and more resilient than ever. Singapore, as a close friend of Japan, will continue to support Japan in your reconstruction and recovery efforts. We wish you all the best.

Thank you.

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