MFA Press Statement: Visit of Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Community Development, Youth and Sports Mr Sam Tan to Doha, the State of Qatar, 21 to 24 April 2012

MFA20120423-SPS-Sam-TanSPS Sam Tan meeting Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr Khalid Bin Mohammed Al-Attiyah.

Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and
Community Development, Youth and Sports, Mr Sam Tan, is visiting the
State of Qatar from 21 to 24 April 2012 in conjunction with his
attendance at the 13th United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD XIII). The theme of this year's conference, which
takes place once every four years, is “Development Centred
Globalization: Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Growth and
Development”. On 23 April 2012, Mr Tan delivered a statement at the
General Debate.

Earlier in the day, Mr Tan called on the Minister of State for
Foreign Affairs, Dr Khalid Bin Mohammed Al-Attiyah, at the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs. During the meeting, Mr Tan and Dr Al-Attiyah reviewed
the progress achieved at the 5th Meeting of the Qatar-Singapore
High-Level Joint Committee, which took place in Doha on 13 March 2012,
and reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen bilateral ties. Mr Tan
extended an invitation for Dr Al-Attiyah to visit Singapore.

Mr Tan also called on the Chairman of the Central Municipal
Council (CMC), Mr Saoud Bin Abdullah Al-Hinzab. The CMC is the only
elected Council in Qatar and comprises 29 members from different parts
of the country. The CMC deliberates on a range of issues which impact
on every aspect of Qatari life, including urban and infrastructure
planning, as well as health and sanitation. During the meeting, the CMC
expressed particular interest in learning about Singapore’s experience
in waste water and parks management.

Mr Tan will participate in a roundtable on “Strengthening All
Forms of Cooperation and Partnership for Trade and Development,
including North-South, South-South and Triangular Cooperation” on 24
April 2012. At the margins of the UNCTAD XIII, Mr Tan also met with
Australian Parliamentary Secretary for Pacific Islands Affairs and
Foreign Affairs Richard Marles. Mr Tan is scheduled to meet with
Secretary General of Supreme Committee for Qatar 2022, Mr Hassan
Al-Thawadi, and Costa Rican Minister for Foreign Trade, Mrs Anabel
Gonzalez, on 24 April 2012 before returning to Singapore.

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23 APRIL 2012

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