MFA Press Statement: The Democratic People’s Republic Of Korea President Of The Presidium Of The Supreme People’s Assembly Mr Kim Yong Nam Meets President And Speaker Of Parliament

12 May 2012

Photo President and KYNPhoto: MICA

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) President of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly Mr Kim Yong Nam met President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Speaker of Parliament Michael Palmer today.


During the meetings, President Tan and Mr Palmer exchanged views with Mr Kim on a variety of issues, including the situation on the Korean Peninsula and bilateral relations.


They welcomed Mr Kim’s visit and stressed that while Singapore was open to further advancing bilateral relations with the DPRK, we were constrained by the fact that the DPRK was subject to United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and other sanctions. As a small country, Singapore had a vital interest in upholding international law and the authority of the UNSC.


President Tan and Mr Palmer expressed Singapore’s concerns over recent tensions on the Korean Peninsula as the stability of the Korean Peninsula affected the entire region. They noted that peace and stability were necessary and irreplaceable conditions for economic development.


They stressed that Singapore believed that a DPRK that was fully integrated with the Asia-Pacific and which shared in the region’s growth and prosperity would benefit the entire region.


To this end, President Tan and Mr Palmer urged the DPRK to work with the parties directly concerned, as well as with ASEAN and the international community generally, to build trust and confidence so as to reach arrangements that were in the interests of all parties and which would ensure enduring peace and stability for the Korean Peninsula.




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11 MAY 2012



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