MFA Press Statement: Visit of Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong to Nay Pyi Taw, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, 12 June 2012

        Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong called on President U Thein Sein in Nay Pyi Taw this afternoon.  ESM is visiting Myanmar with a multi-agency team from 11-14 June 2012 to explore new areas for bilateral cooperation as a follow-up to President U Thein Sein’s State visit in January 2012.  ESM and President U Thein Sein reaffirmed the warm and long-standing bilateral relations, and welcomed the growing bilateral exchanges and economic ties.  President U Thein Sein invited President Tony Tan and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to visit Myanmar at a mutually convenient time.  President U Thein Sein gave a comprehensive briefing on Myanmar’s economic challenges and shared his views on how his government planned to boost economic development to alleviate poverty and create employment in Myanmar.  President U Thein Sein encouraged Singapore companies to invest in Myanmar in sectors that will help add value to Myanmar’s current industries.  ESM welcomed the positive developments in Myanmar since his last visit in June 2009.  ESM said that Singapore was prepared to share its experience to help Myanmar tackle some of its development challenges in areas such as urban planning and public housing.  

      ESM also met Lower House Speaker Thura U Shwe Mann.  Speaker U Shwe Mann acknowledged the excellent bilateral relations between Singapore and Myanmar, and expressed appreciation for Singapore’s consistent support for Myanmar.  He briefed ESM on the role of the Union Parliament in Myanmar’s democratic reforms and expressed support for initiatives that will enhance bilateral relations between the two countries. 

      ESM had wide-ranging discussions on developments in Myanmar and potential areas for economic cooperation with Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) Chairman and Union Minister for Industry U Soe Thane, Union Minister for Finance and Revenue U Hla Tun, Myanmar Central Bank Governor U Than Nyein, and Presidential Economic Advisor U Myint.  They agreed that both countries should enhance cooperation in financial sector development, which would support the government’s economic reforms. 

        ESM will host a dinner this evening for members of the MIC, which include U Soe Thane, Union Minister for Rail Transportation U Aung Min, U Hla Tun, and Union Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Tin Naing Thein.  He will travel to Yangon tomorrow to meet Yangon Region Chief Minister U Myint Swe and Yangon City Mayor U Hla Myint.


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12 JUNE 2012


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