MFA Press Statement: Visit to Singapore by the Attorney-General of the United States of America, Eric H Holder Jr., 18 - 20 July 2012

20120719 Minister Shanmugam US AG Eric Holder G2G Signing of Agreement

US Attorney-General Eric H. Holder, Jr. arrived in Singapore yesterday for a two-day visit at the invitation of the Attorney-General of Singapore.  Attorney-General Holder called on Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam today.  Both sides had a good discussion on various legal issues of mutual concern and reaffirmed their desire to enhance the existing strong legal cooperation between the US and Singapore. 

Following their meeting, Minister Shanmugam and Attorney-General Holder signed the Preventing and Combating Serious Crime (PCSC) Agreement on behalf of their respective Governments.  The PCSC Agreement is an information-sharing agreement between both Governments aimed at preventing and combating serious crimes, such as transnational organised crime and terrorism. (More details on the PCSC Agreement can be found in the attached Factsheet.)

Later in the day, Attorney-General Holder also had a good exchange of views during his meetings with Singapore Attorney-General Steven Chong, S.C. and Supreme Court Judge of Appeal-Designate Sundaresh Menon, S.C.  Attorney-General Holder also delivered the Singapore Academy of Law Distinguished Speaker Lecture on “Asymmetrical Threats: Responding to Terrorism and Cybercrime while Protecting Civil Liberties.”

In the evening, Attorney-General Holder was hosted to dinner by Singapore Attorney-General Steven Chong with Chief Justice Chan Sek Keong as the guest-of-honour and with other key personalities from the legal fraternity in Singapore in attendance.  Attorney-General Holder and his delegation will return to the US tomorrow.


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19 JULY 2012

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