MFA Press Statement: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Tharman Shanmugaratnam and Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov co-chair the Third Session of The High-Level Russia-Singapore Inter-Governmental Commission, 25 September 2012

          First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mr Igor Shuvalov co-chaired the Third Session of the High-Level Russia-Singapore Inter-Governmental Commission (IGC) with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam at the Shangri-La Hotel today.

          The IGC was held amidst a warm and cordial atmosphere.  Mr Shuvalov, Mr Tharman, Ministers and senior representatives from the two countries explored opportunities for broad-based cooperation in a wide range of fields, including in the areas of trade and investment, science and technology, healthcare, education, information and communication technology and culture.  The IGC also discussed specific projects for cooperation and agreed to explore further how both countries could further their cooperation.  They agreed to convene the 4th IGC in Russia next year.  A Joint Statement signed by Mr Shuvalov and Mr Tharman on the outcomes of the IGC is attached.

           After the IGC, Mr Shuvalov called on Prime Minister Mr Lee Hsien Loong and former Minister Mentor Mr Lee Kuan Yew.  During the meetings, leaders from both sides reaffirmed the positive state of bilateral relations and discussed ways to further enhance collaboration between Singapore and Russia.  The leaders also exchanged views on developments in Russia and Singapore.  Mr Shuvalov will return to Russia after his meetings in Singapore.

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The third session of the High-level Russia-Singapore Inter-Governmental Commission (hereinafter referred to as «the Commission») was held in Singapore on the 25th of September 2012 to promote the development of broad-based cooperation between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Singapore (hereinafter referred to as «the Parties»). 


The session was co-chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mr. I. Shuvalov and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance of the Republic of Singapore Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam.  The meeting was held in an atmosphere of cordiality, friendliness and mutual understanding. 


The Parties agreed on the following areas of cooperation.



Bilateral Relations between Russia and Singapore


The Parties noted the excellent and long-standing relations between Russia and Singapore, which have grown stronger and become more multi-faceted in recent years.  Russia and Singapore share many common interests and cooperate well in various fields and platforms such as the Commission and the Russia-Singapore Business Forum.  Russia and Singapore also work closely at regional forums, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), which Russia had hosted this year, the East Asia Summit and the Asia-Europe Meeting. 


The Parties expressed confidence that Russia and Singapore will continue to deepen bilateral cooperation, to facilitate closer links and bring about greater cooperation across diverse fields for the mutual benefit of our countries and peoples.  




Trade and Economic Cooperation


The Parties emphasized the potential for further intensification of economic cooperation and business ties. The Parties also noted the importance of diversification of Russian-Singapore trade structure and economic cooperation.


The Parties noted that both sides have completed the necessary internal procedures to bring into force the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Singapore on the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments signed at the first meeting of the Commission in Singapore on 27 September 2010.  The Parties noted with satisfaction that the Agreement entered into force on 16 June 2012.


The Parties welcomed carrying out the 7th Russia-Singapore Business Forum in Singapore from 24 to 27 September 2012, organised by the Singapore Business Federation.  The Parties emphasized the importance of the Forum as an annual platform to increase and promote bilateral business interactions, and expressed support of further successful activity of the Forum.


The Parties recognised the efforts of the Russian-Singapore Business Council to increase and promote bilateral business cooperation and implementation of joint innovative, investment and trade projects, and establish closer ties with the Singapore Business Federation.


The Parties discussed private sector cooperation in the Russian agricultural sector.


The Russian Party expressed interest in the participation of Singapore companies in the regions of the Russian Federation with the aim of upgrading the existing and the creation of modern enterprises on production and processing of agricultural products.


The Parties took note that the concerned companies of the two countries expressed their readiness to explore development of Intelligent Traffic System (ITS) and Smart Utilities initiatives for Russia.



Cooperation in the Field of Information Technologies


The Parties noted mutual interest in development of cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies, in particular in such fields as cooperation of technology parks in the sphere of high technologies and noted the importance of development of cooperation and exchange of experience in the training of specialists.


The Parties noted with satisfaction the actively developing cooperation of the government-owned management company «Technopark in the high-tech «IT Park» and the Singapore company RSP Architects Planners & Engineers (Pte) LTD in implementation of the innovative center «Innopolis Kazan» construction project. The Singapore Party expressed the support for realization of «Innopolis Kazan» project.


The Russian Party expressed the interest in the study of Singapore experience in creation of conditions to attract IT-companies to the country and establishment of the innovation centers.


The Parties agreed:


·        To continue developing cooperation between high technology parks.


·        To elaborate the ways of cooperation for development of «Innopolis Kazan» project in wider range of directions;


·        To continue cooperation according to the Memorandum
on mutual understanding and cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies;


·        To speed up work on development and signing of the "Road map" of Russian-Singapore cooperation in information and communication technologies sphere with the aim of completing the draft within 6 months;


·        To exchange the experience of training of specialists and in creation of conditions to attract IT-companies to the country.



Cooperation in Industry


The Russian Party informed the Singapore Party about the interest of «JSC «United Aircraft Corporation» (UAC) and «JSC «Russian Helicopters» in developing of cooperation with Singapore organizations interested in deliveries of various modifications of aircraft and helicopters, as well as setting up of training center with the necessary training simulators.




Cooperation in Energy


The Parties expressed interest in developing cooperation between Russian and Singapore companies in energy sector, as well as in the field of electric-power industry, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.  In this regard, Parties welcomed the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in June 2012 between the Russia Energy Agency and the Energy Market Authority of Singapore in the field of energy efficiency and sustainable city development.

Cooperation in Transport


The Parties noted with satisfaction the signing of the agreement on a joint venture to operate the airports between Basic Element group, «LLC «Sberbank Investments» and «Changi Airports International» on the 22nd of June 2012.


The Parties welcomed further expansion of this partnership as part of development of regional airports program and increase of passenger traffic with assistance of Ministry of the Transport of the Russian Federation.


The Parties noted the value of growing air transport links in boosting Russia-Singapore economic ties and people-to-people connections. The Parties agreed that officials from both sides would commence talks on liberalizing bilateral air rights, to enable enhanced air connectivity.


In this respect, both Parties agreed to instruct their respective Aeronautical Authorities to conduct consultations in early 2013 to discuss those issues in principle.



Cooperation in Science and Education


The Parties affirmed their intention to strengthen bilateral cooperation in education, science and innovation, and encourage increased collaboration among scientific organizations, universities and companies of both.


The Russian Party informed the Singaporean Party about the Russian Government’s willingness to fund a number of Singaporean citizens for higher education in Russian universities.  The Singaporean Party expressed support for this initiative and agreed to encourage Singaporean students to take up this opportunity.


The Parties recognized the value of bilateral cooperation through the greater direct partnership and interaction between their respective educational institutions, including cooperation within the framework of APEC. In this context, both Parties agreed to encourage their educational institutions to continue to pursue opportunities for bilateral exchanges and collaboration.


The parties considered important to develop the legal framework for scientific and technical cooperation. In this context the parties noted the need to work on the text of the draft Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Singapore on Scientific and Technological Cooperation, including the Annex on protection of intellectual property rights, which will facilitate greater interactions between scientists from both countries.


The Parties welcomed Russia’s proposal on the start of consultations between Russian fund of fundamental research and its Singaporean counterparts (e.g. Agency for Science, Technology and Research “A*STAR” or the National Research Foundation “NRF”) regarding the joint support of bilateral research in the field of natural sciences and participation in the multilateral projects under the framework of APEC in the thematic in accordance with the priorities specified by the participants of this regional forum.


The Russian Party informed the Singapore Party about its new programme «Global Education», in which Russian students and faculty members pursue Masters and PhD programs in the world's best universities, including those based in Singapore.  Both Parties agreed to explore the possibility of cooperation for the successful implementation of this programme.


The Parties noted that the Russian Federation had eased the procedure for recognition of the higher education diploma and scientific degrees granted by the National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University. The Singaporean Party agreed to encourage Singapore universities to explore similar steps for educational certificates issued by the leading Russian universities. 


The Parties place a strong emphasis on the widening cooperation in the field of innovation, including the participation of the Singapore companies in the «Skolkovo» Innovation Center establishment project.  


The Parties agreed to explore the possibility of developing Russia-Singapore scientific and technical cooperation in the field of radiation health physics, such as the effects of radiation exposure and radioactive contamination on human health, within the framework of the Commission with the participation of representatives of relevant public and private institutions. 


The Russian Party informed Singapore Party about its readiness to cooperate in the field of Arctic exploration based on technological capabilities of Russian Academy of Sciences (research institutes, fleet) including research in the field of integrated environmental assessment, reliable means of ship navigation, secure mineral exploration and mining, etc.


The Parties welcomed the mutual expression of interest by the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) and National University of Singapore (NUS) to explore possible areas of cooperation, and consider the possibility of an inter-university Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in areas of mutual interest, such as nanotechnologies and biomedicine technologies, and special attention to the establishment of a medical centre at FEFU.



Cooperation in Tourism


The Parties noted the positive dynamics in tourist flows between the two countries and the potential for growth. Both Parties confirmed their intention to work toward a gradual liberalisation of the visa regime for both Singaporean and Russian tourists.


The Parties emphasized the importance of cooperation across international fora such as United Nations, World Trade Organisation, APEC, ASEAN, East Asia Summit and the Asia-Europe Meeting.



Cooperation in Social Security, Healthcare, and Education


The Russian Party reaffirmed its interest in sharing and exchanging experiences on the following issues: reformation and development of the pension system, including its structure, parameters, funding, challenges and future plans as well as pensions for public servants.


The Parties agreed to explore possibilities to develop cooperation in the spheres of healthcare and science and education. The Parties agreed to establish, if needed, special Working Groups on the abovementioned issues.



Cooperation in Culture and People-to-People Interactions


The Parties noted the positive cultural exchanges and collaborations that have taken place and reaffirmed their interest in continuing and furthering such exchanges and collaboration between both Parties. The Parties noted the importance of intensifying people-to-people contacts.


The Russian Party expressed its appreciation to the Singapore Party for the proposal to lease the land for the purpose of establishing the Russian Centre of Science and Culture and the Orthodox Church, and requested the Singapore Party to extend the validity of the proposal until the end of 2013, subject to prevailing market value. The Russian Party will inform the Singapore Party about the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation through diplomatic channels.


Fourth Session of the Commission


The Parties expressed their satisfaction with the results of the third session of the Commission and agreed to hold the fourth session of the Commission in the Russian Federation in 2013. The specific dates and venue of the fourth session of the Commission will be agreed upon through diplomatic channels.


Done in Singapore on the 25th of September 2012, in duplicate, in the Russian and English languages, both versions being equally authentic.








Tharman Shanmugaratnam

Chairman of the Singapore Party

of the Commission,

Deputy Prime Minister and

Minister for Finance

of the Republic of Singapore

Igor Shuvalov

Chairman of the Russian Party

of the Commission,

First Deputy Prime Minister

of the Russian Federation








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