MFA Press Statement: Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam at the 67th Session of The United Nations General Assembly, 24 September 2012

25 September 2012

MFA20120924-Min-at-UN-webMinister K Shanmugam meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan (top left), Foreign Minister of Zimbabwe Simbarashe Mumbengegwi (top right), Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Louise Mushikiwabo (left) and President of the International Committee of the Red Cross Peter Maurer (right). [Photos: MFA]

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam, who is in New York for the 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), met his counterparts from Rwanda, the United Arab Emirates and Zimbabwe today. Minister Shanmugam also met President of the International Committee of the Red Cross Peter Maurer, as well as representatives from the American Jewish Committee.

With Rwandan Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Louise Mushikiwabo, Minister Shanmugam discussed ways of enhancing bilateral relations. The two Ministers also discussed the upcoming FOSS Conference on Small States, which will take place in New York on 1 October 2012.

Minister Shanmugam and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan exchanged views on recent developments in the Middle East and other areas of mutual concern.

Minister Shanmugam and Foreign Minister of Zimbabwe Simbarashe Mumbengegwi discussed cooperation in international fora.

ICRC President Peter Maurer and Minister Shanmugam agreed to explore new areas of cooperation between the ICRC and Singapore.

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