MFA Press Statement: Visit of Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong to the People's Republic of China, 10 - 15 September 2012

14 September 2012

Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong visited Anhui Province from 13 to 15 September 2012 as part of Singapore's broader engagement of Chinese provinces to seek new opportunities for cooperation. 


          ESM met Anhui Provincial Party Secretary Zhang Baoshun, Anhui Governor Li Bin and other provincial leaders today.  Party Secretary Zhang, who also hosted ESM and his delegation to dinner, briefed ESM on Anhui Province's economic and social achievements, as well as his plans to develop Anhui into an economic hub in the region.  He welcomed ESM’s visit and investments from Singapore companies into the province. 


          ESM highlighted the growing economic ties between Singapore and Anhui as exemplified by the Wuhu Sanshan Port – Keppel Telecommunications & Transportation’s (Keppel T&T) first port project along the Yangtze River, which ESM visited earlier in the day.  ESM urged the Anhui government to continue supporting Singapore investments in the province, as such efforts will encourage more companies from within and outside China to invest in Anhui. Party Secretary Zhang reassured ESM that the provincial government would pay attention to the needs and development of investments from Singapore and other countries.  ESM and Party Secretary Zhang also agreed that the development of  the Suzhou-Chuzhou (Su-Chu) Industrial Park (SCIP) in Anhui Province – the first venture of the China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park Development Group Cooperation outside Jiangsu Province – was an illustration of the success of Suzhou Industrial Park. 


          Party Secretary Zhang expressed interest in sending his officials to Singapore to learn about Singapore's experience in areas such as industrial park development, public administration and sustainable development.  ESM welcomed such exchanges and invited Party Secretary Zhang to visit Singapore. 


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