MFA Press Release: Transcript of Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Masagos Zulkifli’s reply to the Parliamentary Questions, 6 February 2013



MRS LINA CHIAM: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs in view of the appointment of a former Cabinet minister to the Hong Kong Economic Development Commission who has had access to Singapore’s classified military and economic development information (a) whether it jeopardises Singapore’s strategic interests; and (b) whether it constitutes a conflict of interest and violation of the Official Secrets Act.





Madam Speaker,


1               The former Cabinet Minister that the Member is referring to is Mr George Yeo.  All Singaporeans know that Mr Yeo has served Singapore with distinction throughout his career in the SAF and as a member of the Cabinet for 20 years.  Throughout his career, Mr Yeo has been well-known to all of us in this House, indeed to all Singaporeans, as a man of the highest personal integrity and patriotism who has consistently served Singapore’s national interests.   


2               Mr Yeo has been appointed by Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying as a non-official member of the newly-established Hong Kong Economic Development Commission. The purpose of the Commission, as I understand it to be, is to provide advice to the Hong Kong Government on the overall strategy and policy to broaden Hong Kong’s economic base and to enhance Hong Kong's economic growth and development.


3               It is not unusual for governments to appoint foreigners as advisors to tap on their professional expertise and experience. Singapore has also appointed prominent foreigners to our international advisory boards on issues such as finance and economic development. 


4               We see no conflict nor violation of the Official Secrets Act in Mr Yeo’s appointment.  In fact, we expect that Mr Yeo’s appointment to the Commission will contribute to the strengthening of Singapore’s relations with Hong Kong and through Hong Kong, with China. I am sure that the Honourable Member will agree that this is in Singapore’s strategic interests. 



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SPEAKER: Mrs Chiam. 


MRS LINA CHIAM: Thank you Minister for answering the question.  I would like to ask one supplementary question.  Will the government consider restricting former Ministers of Trade & Industry, Defence and Finance from discharging similar duties to other competing nations? Or will the government continue to allow them to take up such appointments? 


SMS: As I mentioned, it is important to note that in this particular case, Mr Yeo has always and will continue to uphold our national interests.  And therefore, it is important for us to note that in this particular case, there is no conflict of interest.  The Official Secrets Act is sufficient and will have the reach to make good any problem that may arise from such appointments.   


SPEAKER: Mrs Chiam.


MRS LINA CHIAM: I am sorry. Just one clarification.  I was trying to ask whether the government will consider restricting former Ministers in the future from discharging similar duties to competing nations, especially when they have held important posts, such as within the Trade, Finance and Defence Ministries.    


SMS: The answer is no.  Not at the moment.



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