MFA Press Statement: Meeting between Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong and President of the Republic of Korea Madam Park Geun-hye in Seoul on 25 February 2013

Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong called on President of the Republic of Korea (ROK) Madam Park Geun-hye in Seoul this evening. ESM had attended President Park’s inauguration ceremony earlier in the day as Singapore’s representative.

ESM conveyed the well-wishes of President Tony Tan Keng Yam, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Mr Lee Kuan Yew on President Park’s inauguration, and encouraged President Park to visit Singapore at her earliest convenience.

ESM and President Park reaffirmed the excellent relations between Singapore and the ROK, and discussed ways to enhance bilateral cooperation. They noted that the Korea-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has heralded a rapid increase in bilateral trade, and affirmed their desire to harness the momentum to further advance economic cooperation, including through strengthening the bilateral FTA and enhancing air connectivity.

ESM and President Park also discussed developments in the region. They noted that Singapore and the ROK shared common strategic perspectives on many international issues, and agreed that countries in the region should focus on enhancing cooperation. This would contribute to stability and growth in the broader Asian region.

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25 FEBRUARY 2013

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