MFA Press Statement: The Democratic People's Republic of Korea's nuclear test on 12 February 2013

We are gravely concerned by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's (DPRK) nuclear test on 12 February 2013. This was a clear breach of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and an outrageous act of  defiance against the entire international community. It does not enhance the DPRK's own security and threatens to destabilise the entire region, to the detriment of all, including the DPRK itself. We call upon the DPRK to desist from further provocative actions. It is our hope that the DPRK will change course and integrate itself into the region. Only then can the DPRK share in our region's peace and prosperity.

Singapore will make its views known to the DPRK through its Ambassador in Singapore.

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13 FEBRUARY 2013

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