MFA Press Statement: Congratulatory Letters from President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to His Majesty King Willem-Alexander

President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong have written congratulatory letters to His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands.

The text of the letters is attached.

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30 APRIL 2013


Letter from President Tony Tan

30 April 2013

His Majesty King Willem-Alexander
Noordeinde Palace
The Hague
The Netherlands

Your Majesty,

It gives me great pleasure to congratulate you, a longstanding friend of Singapore, on your inauguration as King of the Netherlands.

Your Majesty’s visit to Singapore in January this year provided an excellent opportunity for us to reaffirm the robust ties between our two nations.  Singapore and the Netherlands share similar perspectives as small, pragmatic and outward-looking states, and we enjoy strong cooperation in many sectors such as environment and water management, defence, education, culture, and science and technology.  I am confident that we will find new areas of cooperation that will build on our multi-faceted relationship in the years to come.

Your inauguration comes at a vital juncture in the history of the Netherlands.  I am confident that under your guiding hand, the Netherlands will continue to flourish and step up to the challenges in an ever changing world.

May I also take this opportunity to send my best wishes to Your Majesty and the people of the Netherlands on the auspicious occasion of Queen’s Day, which falls on the same day as Your Majesty’s inauguration.



Letter from PM Lee

30 April 2013

Your Majesty,

On behalf of the Government and people of Singapore, I offer my warmest congratulations on your inauguration as King of the Netherlands. I am confident that you will rule with wisdom and grace.

I warmly recall our last meeting in Singapore this January, when we had a fruitful discussion on many topics of mutual interest.  Singapore and the Netherlands share similar worldviews and enjoy a longstanding friendship underpinned by wide-ranging cooperation in trade and investment, education, defence, science and technology, and environmental conservation.  I am confident that, under your reign, we will take our bilateral relations to greater heights.

I wish Your Majesty continued good health and success on the momentous occasion of Your Majesty’s inauguration. Please also accept my best wishes for a joyous Queen’s Day.

Yours sincerely,


His Majesty King Willem-Alexander
Noordeinde Palace
The Hague
The Netherlands

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