MFA Press Statement: Valedictory Letters from President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix

Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix, formerly Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, ended her 33-year reign with her abdication on 30 April 2013.  President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had written to her on 26 April 2013 to convey their best wishes as she steps down from the throne.

The text of the valedictory letters is attached.

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30 APRIL 2013


Letter from President Tony Tan

26 April 2013

Her Majesty Queen Beatrix
Noordeinde Palace
The Hague
The Netherlands

Your Majesty

On behalf of the people of Singapore, please accept my best wishes as you step down from the Dutch throne.

Since your inauguration in 1980, you have dedicated yourself tirelessly to the service of the Dutch people, and represented the Netherlands with great dignity and distinction. Your popularity in the Netherlands and abroad bears testimony to the fruits of your labour.

Your visit to Singapore in January 2013, which was also your last State Visit as Queen of the Netherlands, marked yet another milestone in the already excellent state of relations between our countries.  Even as you pass the throne to the able hands of your son, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander, I am confident that you will continue to make important contributions to Dutch society, as you have done through the years.

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Your Majesty and the people of the Netherlands a joyous Queen’s Day, which falls on 30 April 2013.



Letter from PM Lee Hsien Loong

26 April 2013

Your Majesty,

On behalf of the Government and people of Singapore, I offer Your Majesty my best wishes as you abdicate the throne in favour of Crown-Prince Willem-Alexander.

Throughout your reign as Queen of the Netherlands, you have inspired many with your generous spirit and commitment to important causes such as peace, tolerance and conservation. Under your leadership, the Dutch monarchy has earned respect for its work ethic, with Noordeinde Palace known as a “palace of work”. You have represented the Netherlands with dignity, intelligence and empathy.  

I fondly recall our fruitful discussions during your recent State Visit to Singapore in January. Your visit was a milestone in our bilateral relations. Singapore and the Netherlands share many similarities, and enjoy an excellent relationship anchored by history, trade, and people-to-people exchanges. I am confident that relations between our two countries will continue to flourish in the years to come.

I wish Your Majesty continued good health and all the best in your future endeavours.  May I also take this opportunity to wish Your Majesty and the people of the Netherlands a joyous Queen’s Day on 30 April 2013.

Yours sincerely,


Her Majesty Queen Beatrix
Noordeinde Palace
The Hague
The Netherlands

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