MFA Press Statement: Visit of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark Mr Villy Søvndal, 15 April 2013

20130415_Dutch FMjpgLunch hosted by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam (left) for Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark Mr Villy Søvndal (right), 15 April 2013.


The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Denmark Mr Villy Søvndalmade a short stop-over in Singapore on 15 April 2013.  He was hosted to lunch by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law Mr K Shanmugam, together with Minister for the Environment and Water Resources Dr Vivian Balakrishnan and Minister of State for Finance and Transport Mrs Josephine Teo.

The Ministers reaffirmed the warm bilateral ties between Singapore and Denmark, and discussed opportunities to strengthen bilateral coperation in the political, economic, environmental, and maritime sectors.  They welcomed the conclusion of substantive negotiations on the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (EUSFTA) in December 2012, and looked forward to its entry into force.  The Ministers also had discussions on a wide range of issues, including developments in ASEAN, Asia and Europe, as well as on global issues such as climate change.


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15 APRIL 2013


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