MFA Press Statement: Visit by Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, 3 - 7 June 2013

02 June 2013

Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong will visit the Republic of the Union of Myanmar from 3 to 7 June 2013 to attend the World Economic Forum on East Asia (WEF-EA) at the invitation of Myanmar President U Thein Sein and to explore ways to further enhance bilateral cooperation. 

During this visit, ESM will call on President U Thein Sein and meet other prominent Myanmar personalities such as Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament Thura U Shwe Mann and Chairperson of the Parliamentary Committee for Rule of Law and Peace and Stability Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.  ESM will also meet newly appointed Chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC), Union Minister for Finance and Revenue U Win Shein, and other members of the MIC such as Union Minister for Environmental Conservation and Forestry U Win Tun, Union Minister for Rail Transportation U Zeya Aung, Attorney-General Dr Tun Shin, and Union Minister for National Planning and Economic Development Dr Kan Zaw. 

ESM will be accompanied by Senior Minister of State for Education and Law Ms. Indranee Rajah and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Law and International Enterprise Singapore. 

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2 JUNE 2013


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