MFA Press Statement: Visit by Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, 3– 7 June 2013

Emeritus Senior Minister (ESM) Goh Chok Tong called on President U Thein Sein of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in Nay Pyi Taw this morning.  President U Thein Sein briefed ESM on the progress Myanmar had made in the past two years and his plans to develop Myanmar.  He also expressed appreciation for Singapore’s technical assistance to Myanmar, in particular Singapore’s offer to establish a modest Vocational Training Institute in Yangon.  ESM complimented President U Thein Sein’s leadership in driving Myanmar’s political and economic reforms over the past two years, and reaffirmed Singapore’s commitment to cooperate with Myanmar in capacity-building and human resource development.

President U Thein Sein urged more Singapore companies to invest in Myanmar.  He agreed with ESM that improvements in infrastructure and sustained political stability were critical elements to ensure investor confidence.

ESM also met Speaker of the Lower House of Parliament Thura U Shwe Mann this morning.  ESM and Thura U Shwe Mann discussed how the Myanmar Parliament could play an important role in supporting Myanmar’s development and stability.

This evening, ESM met Union Minister in the President’s Office U Soe Thane to discuss developments in Myanmar, and hosted dinner for the members of the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC), including its newly appointed Chairman and Union Minister for Finance and Revenue U Win Shein.  ESM had a good discussion with the MIC members on ways to enhance Myanmar’s economic competitiveness and strengthening bilateral economic cooperation. 


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5 JUNE 2013

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