MFA Press Statement: Visit of Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Culture, Community and Youth Mr Sam Tan to Rome, Italy, 8 to 12 June 2013

MFA20130610-SPS-and-Italian-Dy-FM-Bruno-Archi-webSenior Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs Mr Sam Tan and Italian Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Bruno Archi, 10 June 2013 [Photo: MFA]

Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Culture, Community and Youth Mr Sam Tan made a working visit to Rome, Italy from 8 to 12 June 2013. Mr Sam Tan was accompanied by Singapore’s Ambassador to Italy Dr Loo Choon Yong and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During his visit, Mr Tan met with his Italian counterpart, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr Bruno Archi. Mr Tan and Mr Archi reaffirmed the positive and broad-based relations between Italy and Singapore and had a wide-ranging discussion on ways to deepen bilateral cooperation in various fields, including politics, trade and investment, tourism, defence and culture. Mr Archi also updated Mr Tan on the reforms undertaken by the Italian government to restructure its economy and generate greater economic growth.

Mr Tan had bilateral meetings with several leaders from the Italian Chamber of Deputies, namely President of the Committee for Economic Activities, Trade and Tourism Mr Guglielmo Epifani, Vice President of the Committee for Foreign and European Community Affairs Mr Andrea Manciulli, and Member of the Chamber of Deputies Mr Rocco Buttiglione. Mr Tan also met with Member of the Italian Senate and former President of the Lombardy Region Mr Roberto Formigoni. The Italian Parliamentarians briefed Mr Tan on the recent political and economic developments in Italy. The leaders agreed that there was much potential to strengthen economic ties and further promote tourism and cultural collaboration between the two countries.

Mr Tan also met with former Prime Minister of Italy Mr Mario Monti. They had a comprehensive exchange of views on developments in Italy, the Eurozone and Asia.

During his meetings, Mr Tan and the Italian leaders expressed satisfaction with the smooth ratification and entry into force of the Protocol adopting the international Exchange of Information (EOI) standard to the Singapore-Italy Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) in October 2012. They also welcomed the substantive conclusion of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (EUSFTA) in December 2012, which will strengthen economic linkages and promote greater trade and investment opportunities to the mutual benefit of Singapore, Italy and Europe.

Mr Tan departs Rome for Bilbao, Spain on 12 June 2013 to attend the World Cities Summit Mayors Forum 2013, in his capacity as Mayor of the Central Singapore District.

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12 JUNE 2013


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