MFA Press Statement: Valedictory messages from President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to King Albert II of the Kingdom of Belgium

His Majesty King Albert II of the Kingdom of Belgium ended his 20-year reign with his abdication on 21 July 2013.  President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong wrote to him on 15 July 2013 to convey their best wishes as he steps down from the throne.

The text of the valedictory letters is attached.

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22 JULY 2013



Letter from President Tony Tan


15 July 2013



His Majesty King Albert II

Royal Palace

1000 Brussels




Your Majesty,


                   On behalf of the Government and people of Singapore, I offer Your Majesty my best wishes on your abdication in favour of Crown Prince Philippe. 


                   Your unwavering guidance has helped steer Belgium through many challenges and fostered unity in the country.  You have provided a constant and steady presence that has united Belgians from all walks of life. 


                   During your reign, the friendship between Belgium and Singapore has grown even stronger.  I look forward to continued good cooperation with Belgium as you abdicate the throne in favour of Crown Prince Philippe.  I am confident that you will continue to make important contributions to Belgian society, as you have done through the years. 


                   I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Your Majesty and the people of Belgium my best wishes on the joyous occasion of Belgium’s National Day on 21 July 2013.


                   Please accept, Your Majesty, the assurances of my highest consideration. 








Letter from PM Lee Hsien Loong


15 July 2013



Your Majesty,



                    On behalf of the Government and people of Singapore, I offer Your Majesty my best wishes as you abdicate the throne in favour of Crown Prince Philippe.


                   You ruled with dignity and wisdom, while advancing the wellbeing of your people and country.  Your vision and hard work contributed significantly to Belgium’s progress over the past two decades.



                   Singapore values our warm and longstanding relationship with Belgium.  We were pleased to welcome Crown Prince Philippe to Singapore in 2008 and 2010, when we had good exchanges on strengthening our cooperation in trade, healthcare, culture and the arts.  I am confident that Singapore-Belgium relations will continue to grow in future.


                   I wish Your Majesty continued good health and every success in your future endeavours.  Please also accept my best wishes on the joyous occasion of Belgium’s National Day on 21 July 2013.



Yours sincerely,








His Majesty King Albert II

Royal Palace

1000 Brussels

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