MFA Spokesman's Comments in response to media queries on the latest announcement by the Egyptian authorities that they would take action to disperse the ongoing demonstrations in Cairo

In response to media queries on the latest announcement by the Egyptian authorities that they would take action to disperse the ongoing demonstrations in Cairo, the MFA Spokesman said:

"We are closely monitoring the situation. In view of the latest security situation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) advises Singaporeans to consider deferring non-essential travel to Egypt, in particular to Cairo, Alexandria, Sinai and Suez.

Singaporeans who are currently in Egypt are reminded to be on high alert and to take the necessary precautions for their personal safety. They should monitor the news closely, observe instructions from local authorities and avoid areas of public gatherings and disturbances. As a precaution, Singaporeans should ensure that they have easy access to basic necessities in the event that shops and banks are closed for an extended period.

Our Embassy in Cairo continues to maintain regular contact with Singaporeans in Egypt who have e-registered with MFA. We call on Singaporeans in Egypt, who have not already e-registered, to do so immediately at We are also working closely with the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) to render assistance to Singaporean students affected by the ongoing unrest, including relocating them temporarily away from the affected areas.

Singaporeans who require consular assistance in Egypt may contact the Singapore Embassy in Cairo or the MFA Duty Officer (24-hours) at:

Embassy of the Republic of Singapore in Cairo
Tel: +202 37490468
Fax: +202 37480562
Duty Officer Tel: +20 109 8064130 (24-hour)

MFA Duty Office
Tel: +65 6379 8800 / 8855 (24-hour hotline)
Fax: +65 6476 7302

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2 AUGUST 2013

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