MFA Press Statement: Visit by US Governor of Massachusetts Deval Patrick, 14 to 18 December 2013


        United States Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Deval Patrick called on Prime Minster Lee Hsien Loong this afternoon at the Istana.  Governor Patrick was accompanied by the Massachusetts State Secretaries of Housing and Economic Development, Transport as well as US Embassy officials.


        During the meeting, PM Lee welcomed Massachusetts’ interest in attracting more investments from Asia, in particular in the areas of clean technology, life sciences, and financial services.  PM Lee noted that the growing interest in Asia by US companies and key US states such as Massachusetts was an important component that would contribute to the deepening of the US’ engagement of the Asia-Pacific region.  PM Lee and Governor Patrick discussed Singapore’s strong partnerships with Massachusetts in the areas of R&D and higher education.  


        Governor Patrick also called on Minister (Trade & Industry) Lim Hng Kiang earlier today and had meetings with IE Singapore, A*STAR, PUB and LTA.


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17 DECEMBER 2013




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