MFA Press Statement: Study Visit of Myanmar Chief Ministers, 16 to 19 March 2014

ESM with Myanmar Chief Ministers at the Istana,17 March 2014MCI Photo

The Chief Ministers of Yangon Region U Myint Swe, Mandalay Region U Ye Myint, and Bago Region U Nyan Win are in Singapore from 16 to 19 March for a joint study visit at the invitation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam.  The Chief Ministers’ visit takes place under the auspices of the Singapore-Myanmar Technical Cooperation Programme (SMTCP).  Through the SMTCP, Singapore shares our expertise and experience in relevant developmental areas to support Myanmar’s reform and capacity-building efforts.

During their stay in Singapore, the Chief Ministers will exchange views with Singapore government officials on Singapore’s economic development, urban planning, and water management policies.  They met with Minister of State for Trade and Industry Teo Ser Luck, and received a briefing by the Economic Development Board.  They will also participate in a Roundtable Session organised by International Enterprise Singapore to discuss economic opportunities in their respective Regions.  In addition, the Chief Ministers received briefings by the Housing Development Board, the Urban Redevelopment Authority, and the Public Utilities Board.

Last evening, Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong hosted dinner for the Chief Ministers, together with Minister for National Development Khaw Boon Wan, Senior Minister of State for Law and Senior Minister of State for Education Indranee Rajah, and Minister of State for Trade and Industry Teo Ser Luck.  The Chief Ministers briefed ESM on the economic and developmental challenges faced by their Regions.  They discussed ways to improve Myanmar’s human resource capabilities, and attract more foreign investment.  They also had a useful exchange of views on developments in Myanmar.

This evening, Minister Shanmugam will host the Chief Ministers to dinner and at his Meet-the-People Session in Chong Pang constituency.

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18 MARCH 2014


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