MFA Press Statement: Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Culture, Community and Youth Sam Tan's Comments in response to media queries on a Straits Times interview (‘Lessons from an unfortunate event’ on 5 April 2014)

10 April 2014

Responding to press queries about a Straits Times interview (‘Lessons from an unfortunate event’ on 5 April 2014) with the Chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Defence and Foreign Affairs, Dr Lim Wee Kiak, in which he said that the Malaysian authorities could have done better in managing the MH370 incident, Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Foreign Affairs) and Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Culture, Community and Youth) Sam Tan said:

“The Singapore Government position has been clearly set out in the remarks by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam to the Foreign Correspondents Association on 28 March 2014, as well as by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to the editors of the Asia News Network on 9 April 2014. It is an unprecedented and very difficult situation and, as Prime Minister Lee said, the Malaysian Government has done a ‘manful job’.

Singapore deployed aircraft and ships in the search and rescue operations, and has conveyed that we stand ready to provide further support as needed.

Dr Lim Wee Kiak’s remarks do not represent the views of the Singapore Government.”

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