MFA Press Release: Congratulatory Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Prime Minister-Elect of the Republic of India Mr Narendra Modi, 19 May 2014

                   Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has written to Mr Narendra Modi, Prime Minister-elect of the Republic of India, on the victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party in the 16th Lok Sabha Elections.  The text of Prime Minister Lee’s congratulatory letter to Mr Modi is attached.


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19 MAY 2014




19 May 2014


Dear Prime Minister-elect,


                                On behalf of the Government and people of Singapore, I congratulate you on your election as India’s Prime Minister.


                                The BJP’s decisive victory reflects the strong support and great hopes that Indian voters have in your leadership and vision.  The opportunities ahead for India are immense.  I am confident that you will bring your valuable experience as Chief Minister of Gujarat to bear as you lead India to fulfill its promise.


                                Singapore and India share excellent bilateral ties.  Our friendship is underpinned by regular high-level exchanges and wide-ranging co-operation in many fields, including trade and investment, defence and cultural exchanges.  We also cooperate closely to promote regional peace and prosperity through multinational forums.  Next year, our two countries will celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations.  It is an auspicious milestone which I hope can be a springboard to raise our bilateral partnership to new heights.


                                I look forward to working with you to enhance our bilateral ties, and hope that you will visit Singapore at the earliest opportunity.  I wish you every success in your new appointment.






His Excellency Narendra Modi

Prime Minister-elect

Republic of India


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