MFA Press Statement: Conferment of the Title of 'Honorary Doctor of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation' on Former Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew, 22 May 2014



            Former Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew was conferred the title of ‘Honorary Doctor of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation’ on 22 May 2014.  Singapore’s Ambassador to the Russian Federation Ms Lim Kheng Hua accepted the title on Mr Lee’s behalf from the Academy’s Rector Mr Evgeny Bazhanov in a ceremony held in Moscow today.  The acceptance speech, which was delivered by Ambassador Lim on Mr Lee’s behalf, is attached. 


            The title is bestowed upon Russian and foreign scholars, diplomats, political and public figures for outstanding achievements in the fields of theoretical research and diplomacy and for contributions to promote mutual understanding between Russia and the rest of the world.  A list of past recipients of the title is attached.



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22 MAY 2014




Acceptance Speech









Acceptance Speech


Delivered on behalf of Mr Lee Kuan Yew

by Singapore’s Ambassador to the Russian Federation Ms Lim Kheng Hua



1                                 I thank the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation for the honour that they have given to me and through me, to Singapore.



2                                 Singapore and Russia enjoy stable and cordial relations, even if we do not always see eye-to-eye on every international issue.  It would be unusual if we did.  Russia is a vast, continental country stretching from Europe to the Pacific, a nuclear weapon state and a Permanent Member of the UN Security Council, with a rich and complex history.  Singapore is a small city state, barely 50 years old as an independent country.  It is only natural that we will have different perspectives.



3                                 But big or small, old or new, we like all countries everywhere, face the common challenge of adapting to a rapidly evolving international system.  For the last two hundred years or so, the international system was largely shaped by the West.  And that was true irrespective of which side we stood during the Cold War.   Communism too was a western ideology.



4                                 That western-shaped international system is now in the throes of profound change.  But while we know from where we came, where we are headed is as yet unclear.  This is not yet a truly multipolar world even if it is no longer clearly a unipolar system as seemed to have been established in the immediate aftermath of the Cold War.



5                                 The proximate cause of the changes that are underway was the re-emergence and rapid growth of a China that is now a vital part of the international economic grid.  In transforming itself, China transformed the world.  We are all now trying to understand and adjust to the implications.



6                                 The crucial relationship is that between the US and China. Washington and Beijing are groping towards a new modus vivendi.  This will not be easy.  The effort is complex and fraught with many challenges: political, military, economic and even psychological.



7                                 Both the US and China want and need a stable relationship with each other.  President Xi Jinping has proposed ‘a new model of great power relations’.  The US has used a similar form of words.  But it is not yet clear whether they mean the same thing.



8                                 China will not meekly acquiesce in the perpetuation of an international system that led to what it calls ‘a hundred years of humiliation’.  Yet it was that same system that for the last thirty years facilitated China’s rise.



9                                 When the US and China eventually establish a new equilibrium, the rest of the world will take dressing from it.  For now, US-China relations already set the tone for East Asia.



10                            A vast part of Russia lies in East Asia. Since Tsarist times, Russia has played a major role in the region, particularly in Northeast Asia.  Russia therefore cannot but be affected by these developments and must find a new modus vivendi with China too.  I wish you well in this endeavour.



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Past Recipients



Diplomatic Academy RUSSIA

Samyueli Huntington

Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies. John Olin, Harvard University, USA (1989)
(title awarded in 1995)

Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias

President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (1999-2013 gg.)
(title awarded in 2001)

Rudolf Schuster

President Slovatskoy Respubliki (1984-2006) The
(title assigned in 2001)

Akayev Askar Akaevich

President Kыrgыzskoy Respubliki (1990-2005 yy.)
(title assigned in 2001)

Kocharian Robert Sedrakovich

President Respubliki Armenia (1998-2008) The
(title assigned in 2003)

Sergei Stanishev

Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria

Tokayev Kasymzhomart

Predsedately Senate House Respubliki Kazakhstan (2013) Zamestitely Generalynogo Secretary UN Generalynыy Director Compartments United Nations in Geneva (2011-2013 yy.)
(title assigned in 2009)

Mary Makelis

President Respubliki Ireland (1997-2011 yy.)
(title assigned in 2010)

Yukio Hatoyama

Prominent political and public figure in Japan
(title awarded in 2010)

Henry Alfred Kissinger

American statesman, diplomat, scientist and Nobel Peace Prize (1973)
(title awarded in 2013)



RUSSIAN Honorary Doctor

 of the Diplomatic Academy RUSSIAЫ

Anatoly Dobrynin

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR in the United States (1962-1986 gg.), Ph.D., Honored Worker of the Diplomatic Service of Russia.

Primakov Evgeniy  Maksimovic

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (1998-1999 gg.), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia (1996-1998 gg.), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Academician, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR.

Alekperov Vagit Yusufovych

President of OAO «LUKOIL»

Stepashin Sergeй Vadimovich

Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (2000-2013 gg.), Professor, Doctor of Law.

Peresypkin Oleg Gerasimov

Professor of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR and Russia in the YAR (1980-1984 gg.), Libya (1984-1986 gg.), Lebanon (1996-1999 gg.), Rector of the Diplomatic Academy of the USSR and member of the Board of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1986-1993 gg.), Honored Worker of the Diplomatic Service of Russia.

Yakunyn Vladimir Ivanovich

President of JSC "Russian Railways" , Doctor of Political Sciences, State Councilor of the first class, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Center of National Glory and the St. Andrew Foundation , Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Center for Problem Analysis and the Governance UN RAS, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the charity fund social help children "Spread Your Wings!" President World Public Forum " Dialogue of Civilizations ".




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