MFA Press Statement: Visit by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam to the United States Of America: Meetings with US Secretary of State John Kerry and Attorney General Eric Holder, 12 May 2014

13 May 2014

MFA20140512_US Secretary of State John Kerry and Minister K ShanmugamMeeting between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Law K Shanmugam at the State Department, 12 May 2014 [Photo: MFA]

MFA20140512_Eric Holder and Minister K ShanmugamMeeting between US Attorney General Eric Holder and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Law K Shanmugam at the Department of Justice, 12 May 2014 [Photo: MFA]

        Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam met with US Secretary of State John Kerry on 12 May 2014.  During the meeting, they reaffirmed the close and longstanding bilateral relations between Singapore and the US that span the economic, political, military, and socio-cultural fronts.  They reiterated both countries’ commitment to further strengthen cooperation both bilaterally and regionally.  In particular, both sides welcomed the progress made under the US-Singapore Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) over the past two years in providing training for over 280 officials from ASEAN countries in the areas of ASEAN Connectivity, sustainable development and regional resilience. 

        Minister Shanmugam and Secretary Kerry also discussed key regional and global developments.  Minister Shanmugam welcomed the strong commitment to Asia expressed by US President Barack Obama during his recent visit to Malaysia, Philippines and Japan in April 2014 as well as by Secretary Kerry during his past five visits to the region.  They reiterated the importance of working towards an expeditious conclusion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.  Minister Shanmugam emphasized the importance of an early conclusion of the TPP and how it will create more jobs in the US.  As of now, 560,000 jobs in the US are sustained by exports to ASEAN.  TPP will greatly increase this number.   Both sides also welcomed efforts to strengthen ASEAN-US ties, including through US-ASEAN Energy cooperation of which Singapore is the country coordinator, and US-Asia-Pacific Comprehensive Energy Partnership for a Shared Future (USACEP) of which both are in the Steering Committee.        

        Minister Shanmugam also met with his US counterpart in his capacity as Minister for Law, Attorney General Eric Holder, at the Department of Justice.  Both sides had a good exchange of views and reaffirmed their desire to strengthen legal cooperation between the US and Singapore in a constructive and mutually beneficial way.  In this regard, they welcomed the upcoming Law Enforcement and Homeland Security and Safety Cooperation Dialogue (LEHSSCD) that will be taking place in June 2014 in Washington DC.

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13 MAY 2014

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