Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Addendum to the President’s Address 2014

1                       The international environment is becoming more challenging and complex. We are witnessing an intensification of shifts in global power, where the Asia-Pacific is taking centre stage.  The fluid situation brings both risks and opportunities.  Although our ability to influence global developments is limited, MFA will work to ensure that Singapore remains well-positioned to manage the uncertainties and seize emerging opportunities.


2                       ASEAN will remain the cornerstone of our foreign policy.  A strong and united ASEAN provides the framework for the maintenance of peace and stability and for anchoring major powers in the region, besides creating more opportunities for growth.  Singapore will work actively to support ASEAN centrality and keep the regional architecture open and inclusive. Singapore will actively contribute to ASEAN’s regional integration efforts towards an ASEAN Community and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) by 2015, as well as the effective implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity.


3                       Good relations with our immediate neighbours are essential for our security and prosperity. While there are challenges and issues that have to be managed, relations with our neighbours are stable and broad-based.  Singapore will build on our bilateral relations with Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei, and strengthen them on the basis of mutually-beneficial cooperation. Singapore and Malaysia have continued to expand our collaboration across a number of sectors. Economic cooperation, particularly in Iskandar Malaysia, is growing. To enhance our strong people-to-people ties, we are working with Indonesia to share our development experience, in areas such as health, education and the environment.  Relations with other ASEAN Member States will remain a priority as we work towards stronger economic and people-to-people ties, and the strengthening of institutional linkages, including the provision of technical assistance through the Singapore Cooperation Programme. 


4                       Beyond the immediate region, Singapore will build on our links with key partners including the United States, China and Japan, whose engagement is important for continued regional stability and prosperity.  We will continue enhancing our excellent relations with China and expand cooperation in areas such as financial services, social governance and sustainable development.  We will also strengthen relations with other major partners like the Republic of Korea, Australia and India with whom we share strong political and economic ties, as well as the European Union with whom we are working on the ratification of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement. 


5                       Singapore is constantly looking to expand our political and economic space, and to identify emerging opportunities and new markets including in the Middle East, Turkey, Latin America and Africa.  We have established new Missions in Oman, Turkey and Brazil as well as appointed a Non-Resident Ambassador to the African Union and Ethiopia. The entering into force of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)-Singapore FTA will boost our efforts to strengthen economic ties with the Gulf states.  Singapore is negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, which will provide us with greater market access across TPP members and make it easier for Singaporean businesses to operate across members.  We successfully applied for observership at the Pacific Alliance trade bloc, which will create more opportunities for Singapore to engage the fast-growing economies of Latin America.  We will continue to enhance our engagement of the Caribbean countries, with whom we share common interests as small states and work closely on a range of issues including climate change.


6                 As a small country, Singapore’s continued survival and prosperity also depends on our ability to ensure that international norms and rules, which are constantly evolving, remain conducive to the pursuit of our national interests.  We will continue to play an active role at the United Nations and its agencies to uphold fundamental rights, including the freedom of navigation and overflight and the legitimacy of international law, which are vital to Singapore’s interest and survival as a small state.  Singapore will continue to actively contribute to the international agenda at the UN, including on the new global agreement on climate change.  We will work with APEC member economies and through the World Trade Organisation to promote trade liberalisation and uphold the rules-based multilateral trading system.  To better understand the opportunities and challenges posed by environmental changes in the Arctic and the opening of new shipping routes through the Arctic, Singapore successfully obtained observership in the Arctic Council. We are actively contributing to the work of the Arctic Council Working Groups, particularly in the areas of emergency preparedness and discussions on the Polar Code to promote safe Arctic shipping. 


7                 We will continue to provide technical assistance to developing countries through the Singapore Cooperation Programme and in collaboration with other countries and International Organisations.  We remain committed to helping developing countries attain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and to strengthening ASEAN by building their human resources, in particular, in public administration and sustainable development.  We will also play an active role in forging the UN’s post-2015 Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals.  


8                 MFA expects there to be an increasing demand for consular services and assistance in the coming years.  MFA has leveraged on technology to improve our provision of consular support to overseas Singaporeans.  We will continue to explore innovative means to provide prompt and effective consular assistance to Singaporeans in distress overseas.


9                 Going forward, Singapore will have to remain nimble, adaptable and cohesive so that we can continue to expand our diplomatic, political and economic space. MFA will work with other Ministries as part of a Whole-of-Government effort to preserve and advance Singapore’s external interests in a fast-changing world.

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