MFA Press Statement: Congratulatory Messages From Singapore Leaders On Indonesian Presidential Election, 23 July 2014


    Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made a telephone call to Indonesian President-elect Mr Joko Widodo this morning.  Prime Minister Lee congratulated Mr Joko on his victory.  Both Prime Minister Lee and Mr Joko acknowledged the deep and close ties that Singapore and Indonesia have developed over the years.  Prime Minister Lee said that he looked forward to working with Mr Joko to strengthen bilateral ties and explore new areas of cooperation for the mutual benefit of both countries.  Prime Minister Lee said that he looked forward to meeting Mr Joko soon.  DPM Teo Chee Hean similarly made a telephone call to Indonesian Vice-President-elect Mr Jusuf Kalla to congratulate him on his victory.


    President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee have also written to Mr Joko to congratulate him on his victory at the Indonesian Presidential election.  Copies of their congratulatory letters are attached.


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23 JULY 2014



Letter from President Tony Tan to Indonesian President-Elect Joko Widodo


Dear Bapak Jokowi


               On behalf of the people of Singapore, I warmly congratulate you on your election as President of the Republic of Indonesia. 


               Indonesians have placed their trust in your people-oriented vision to improve their lives and take Indonesia to new heights. I am confident that under your leadership, Indonesia will continue to progress and prosper in the coming years.     


               Singapore and Indonesia have a deep and substantive relationship. We work together closely in many areas. Strong people-to-people linkages have anchored relations between our two countries. I am confident that our strong ties will continue to flourish under your able leadership. 


               I wish you every success as you lead Indonesia forward.


Yours sincerely






Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Indonesian President-Elect Joko Widodo


Dear Bapak Jokowi


               Congratulations on your election as President of the Republic of Indonesia! 


               Your victory reflects the confidence and hope that the Indonesian people have in your leadership. It was a hard-fought campaign but you won Indonesians over with your vision, your focus on their concerns and aspirations, and your natural identification with ordinary citizens. I am confident that Indonesia will thrive under your able leadership. 


                Singapore and Indonesia enjoy a longstanding friendship, based on mutual trust and benefit. We enjoy wide-ranging cooperation in many fields, including in trade, business and people-to-people ties. We also share an interest in a stable, peaceful and prosperous ASEAN. I look forward to working closely with you to strengthen our relations for the benefit of our peoples and region.


                I wish you every success, and invite you to visit Singapore at the earliest opportunity.  


Yours sincerely




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