MFA Press Statement: Valedictory Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Mr José Manuel Barroso

        Mr José Manuel Barroso officially stepped down as President of the European Commission on 31 October 2014 in favour of new President Jean-Claude Juncker.  Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong had written a valedictory letter to Mr Barroso on 31 October 2014 to convey his best wishes.

        The text of the valedictory letter is enclosed.

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31 October 2014

Dear Mr Barroso,

        As you step down as President of the European Commission, I write to congratulate you on your distinguished service to the European community over the past decade.

        Your Presidency coincided with an exceptional and challenging period for Europe and the world.  You oversaw the expansion of the European Union, the consolidation and structural reforms of European institutions, and the evolution of the Union towards greater integration, particularly with the Lisbon Treaty.  The EU has grown into a significant global player.

        During your Presidency, relations between the European Union and Singapore have strengthened, culminating in the conclusion of the EU-Singapore Free Trade Agreement and EU-Singapore Partnership and Cooperation Agreement.  When ratified, they will benefit our businesses and serve as building blocks for future regional agreements and further anchor relations between our two regions.

        My best wishes for your continued good health, and every success in your endeavours.


Yours sincerely,




HE Mr José Manuel Barroso


European Commission





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