MFA Press Statement: Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's congratulatory message to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and valedictory message to Tony Abbott MP

          Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has written a congratulatory message to Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull and a valedictory message to Tony Abbott MP. The text of the letters is enclosed.



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Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull

15 September 2015



Dear Prime Minister Turnbull,



                   On behalf of the Government and people of Singapore, I warmly congratulate you on your appointment as Prime Minister of Australia. 



                   Singapore and Australia enjoy an excellent relationship, based on strong cooperation on a wide range of issues, including trade and investment, defence and security, education, cultural cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. 



                   Our two countries share similar strategic outlooks.  We both value regional stability built on the principles of international law.  Singapore believes that Australia plays a key role promoting peace and prosperity in Asia.   



          Our two economies are complementary.  Since we concluded our Free Trade Agreement in 2003, bilateral trade has more than doubled.  Today, Singapore is one of the largest trading and investment partners of Australia in Asia. 



          The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP) that our two countries concluded in June this year will further enhance our bilateral ties for the mutual benefit of our peoples. 



          There is much work to do in the context of the CSP, especially as we seek to further intensify our economic, defence and security and people-to-people ties.  I look forward to making an official visit to Australia in the middle of next year. 



          I would also like to invite you to visit Singapore when your schedule permits.  If you are passing through the region, and are able to stop in Singapore, I will be delighted to host you.



          I look forward to meeting you to further strengthen our relations. 



          I wish you every success in your new appointment.




Yours sincerely








The Honourable Malcolm Turnbull MP

Prime Minister

Commonwealth of Australia            




Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Tony Abbott MP

15 September 2015



Dear Tony,



                   I was sorry to read that you had stepped down as Prime Minister. You can be proud that you are leaving behind a good record of policy achievements, both domestically and externally. 



          You tackled challenging domestic issues, including fiscal and budget reform.  Externally, you showed that Australia can provide global leadership, in particular through the G20. 



                   You have tirelessly served the Australian people, and represented Australia with dignity and distinction.  You provided strong leadership during a challenging period for the region and the world.  You led your country and people with pride and tenacity.  



          You have been a good friend of Singapore.  I deeply appreciated your presence at my father’s funeral service. Your recent official visit to Singapore raised our bilateral partnership to a new level.  The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership (CSP) is a significant milestone in the long-standing friendship between Australia and Singapore.  The CSP testifies to your leadership and vision, and provides a strong foundation to grow the partnership between our two countries. 


                   I am confident that you will continue to serve Australia with commitment and conviction, as you have always done through the years. 



          My wife and I wish you, your wife and family good health and every success in your future endeavours.



          I am glad we had a chance to chat on the phone, and look forward to keeping in touch with you.  Please know that you and your wife will always be welcome in Singapore.




Yours sincerely






The Honourable Tony Abbott MP

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