MFA Press Statement: Exchange of congratulatory messages to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Singapore and Canada


               The Republic of Singapore and Canada established diplomatic relations on 15 December 1965.  To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the occasion, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan exchanged congratulatory messages with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister of Foreign Affairs Stéphane Dion.  The texts of the messages from PM Lee and Minister Balakrishnan are appended. 



      As part of the events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries, the High Commission of Canada in Singapore organised a commemorative reception on 8 December 2015 at which Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law K Shanmugam was the Guest-of-Honour.    



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15 DECEMBER 2015


Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau


15 December 2015



Dear Prime Minister Trudeau



                   On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Singapore, please accept my best wishes to you and your Government on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Singapore and Canada. 



                   Canada was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with Singapore in 1965.  Since then, relations between Canada and Singapore have grown from strength to strength.  Our two countries share a warm relationship underpinned by common interests and close cooperation across a broad spectrum of areas.  There are substantive people-to-people ties particularly with many Singaporeans having studied in Canada and forged enduring relationships.  Our leaders, including former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and Mr Lee Kuan Yew, also developed close friendships.   



It was good to see you at G20 in Turkey and APEC in Manila.  I look forward to working closely with you to further strengthen our bilateral relationship.  Singapore welcomes and supports Canada’s efforts to deepen its engagement with Asia.  I hope you will have the opportunity to visit Singapore soon.   




Yours sincerely







The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau

Prime Minister



Letter from Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan to Minister of Foreign Affairs Stéphane Dion


15 December 2015



The Honourable Stéphane Dion

Minister of Foreign Affairs




Dear Minister Dion



                        I would like to convey my best wishes on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Singapore and Canada. 



                   Singapore and Canada enjoy longstanding and close relations including excellent people-to-people ties.  When Singapore gained independence 50 years ago, Canada was one of the first countries to establish diplomatic relations with us.  Our partnership has since grown to encompass many areas of cooperation including trade, education and Arctic issues.  The strong turnout at various events held in Canada and Singapore to commemorate Singapore’s Golden Jubilee and the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our two countries are testament to our deep and enduring friendship. 



I look forward to working with you to strengthen bilateral relations between Singapore and Canada, especially as Canada continues to deepen its engagement with Asia.        




Yours Sincerely





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