Ministry of Foreign Affairs Addendum to the President's Address









1       Singapore will have to navigate an increasingly complex and unpredictable strategic and security landscape. The shifts in global power and competition for influence among the major powers, particularly in Asia-Pacific, will impact the global and regional order bringing both unprecedented risks and opportunities for us as a nation. The rise of nationalism, protectionism and the polarisation of society in many regional countries have further exacerbated the challenges faced by Singapore. The geopolitical challenges in the Middle East, particularly the threat of the Islamic State, and the disputes in the East and South China Sea, will remain intractable. Economically, the global outlook is uncertain, although landmark initiatives such as the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) offer promising prospects. In this challenging environment, MFA will focus our efforts on three key thrusts: (i) maintaining Singapore’s relevance to the world and expanding its international space; (ii) creating opportunities overseas for Singaporeans through economic, cultural and public diplomacy; and (iii) supporting our nationals living and travelling abroad through community outreach and consular assistance.


Maintaining our Relevance


2       ASEAN remains a cornerstone of Singapore’s foreign policy, and provides the necessary bedrock for a stable, peaceful and prosperous region. ASEAN creates a platform for us to engage key major powers at a regional level. Singapore will continue to work actively to enhance ASEAN integration and centrality in the evolving regional architecture, as well as deepen ASEAN’s relations with its external partners.


3                 Singapore will assume the role of ASEAN Chair in 2018. We will host a number of important meetings in Singapore, including the ASEAN Summit, ASEAN Plus Three Summit, and the East Asia Summit (EAS), presenting us an opportunity to showcase and advance the interests of Singapore and ASEAN to the world. We will make a concerted effort to promote ASEAN identity and awareness among Singaporeans through the mainstream and social media, as well as through initiatives such as the Annual Youth Model ASEAN Conference which aims to educate and engage younger Singaporeans about the workings behind ASEAN. As we embark on a year-long series of celebrations and projects to mark Singapore’s chairmanship, MFA will partner with key stakeholders, including the business community and civil society.  


4                 As a small nation-state, developing strong, sustainable and multi-faceted partnerships at all levels is vital for Singapore’s long-term security and continued prosperity. We will endeavour to strengthen our relations with our immediate neighbours, Malaysia and Indonesia, which have made steady and substantive progress in recent years. With upcoming projects like the joint developments in Singapore and Iskandar Malaysia, the High Speed Rail and the Rapid Transit System, there is a strong impetus for closer cooperation between Malaysia and Singapore. In the case of Indonesia, we seek to expand our mutually-beneficial cooperation, following President Joko Widodo’s introductory visit to Singapore in July 2015, where both countries signed agreements to strengthen collaboration in various sectors including public policy, youth and sports, and economic development.


5       Boosting economic and people-to-people ties with other ASEAN Member States is another priority. Beyond Southeast Asia, Singapore will continue to intensify our engagement with the major powers. MFA will identify new avenues to maintain and strengthen our close political, economic and strategic ties with the US, China and other regional stakeholders. The recently enhanced Defence Cooperation Agreement with the US provides a broader framework to expand our bilateral cooperation with the US. The establishment of the “All-Round Cooperative Partnership Progressing with the Times” with China, the third Government-to-Government project in Chongqing and the upgrade of the China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement will add new impetus to our bilateral cooperation with China. With other key partners like Australia, India, Japan, Republic of Korea and the European Union, we will seek to strengthen bilateral cooperation in economic as well as security areas such as counter-terrorism and cyber security. India and Singapore, for instance, have elevated relations to a Strategic Partnership and both sides will expand cooperation in areas such as skills development and urban solutions. With Australia, the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership will enhance cooperation across economic, defence, security and people-to-people fields.


6                 To further expand Singapore’s international space, we will continue to play a constructive role in various multilateral fora. Through the United Nations (UN), World Trade Organisation (WTO) and Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), we will actively contribute to the global agenda including climate change, sustainable development, trade liberalisation and upholding the rules-based multilateral trading system.  We will continue to demonstrate Singapore’s usefulness to the G20 process through our convenorship of the Global Governance Group (3G).


7                 Singapore will reinforce its role as a responsible member of the international community by extending technical assistance to, and sharing our developmental experience, with other countries through the Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP). Since its inception in 1992, more than 100,000 foreign officials have been trained in a range of SCP courses with various partner countries and international organisations. Singapore will work towards implementing the new Sustainable Development Programme, which was announced during the 2015 UN Sustainable Development Summit, by partnering with relevant UN agencies to provide technical assistance programmes in a wide range of fields including, public sector leadership, sustainable cities, urbanisation as well as water and sanitation solutions.


Creating Overseas Opportunities for Singaporeans


8       Regional initiatives such as the AEC, TPP and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) will create new trade and investment opportunities for Singapore companies in a broader economic hinterland. The AEC will integrate ASEAN into a single regional market, thereby facilitating a freer flow of goods, services, investment and capital among member states. To this end, Singapore will do its part by enhancing the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) programme in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam to accelerate their economic integration into ASEAN, thereby opening up new opportunities for Singaporeans in these countries. Singapore will work towards expediting the ratification and bringing into force the TPP, the largest regional free trade agreement. The negotiations on the RCEP are ongoing and when concluded, will transform ASEAN and its FTA partners into an integrated market. Together, the AEC, TPP and RCEP are key pathways to the eventual realisation of a Free Trade Area in the Asia-Pacific.


9       Singapore will continue to expand our political relations and economic space in new emerging markets in Africa, Central Asia, Latin America, Middle East, Russia and Turkey. Through active diplomacy by our overseas missions, non-resident Ambassadors and Honorary Consuls-General, and in collaboration with our economic agencies, MFA will facilitate access to overseas markets for Singapore companies in sectors where they have comparative strengths such as Information Communications Technology (ICT) and urban planning. We will promote Singapore as a major global and regional business hub for foreign companies seeking to expand to the region, while at the same time promote Singapore’s vibrancy through greater cultural and people-to-people linkages and public diplomacy.


Engaging Overseas Singaporeans


10     The engagement of Singaporeans living and working overseas remains a priority for MFA. Through a variety of socio-cultural community events, our aim is to foster a sense of belonging and national identity amongst a growing number of overseas Singaporeans all over the world.  We will continue to work closely with the Overseas Singaporean Unit (OSU) as well as Singapore associations to achieve this goal.


11               With more Singaporeans travelling and residing overseas, MFA will expand our consular outreach by leveraging on modern technology and expanding our diplomatic network, while partnering with key stakeholders including the media as well as public and private sector organisations. With increasing occurrences of natural disasters and other emergencies, MFA will work closely with other government agencies and foreign governments to render consular assistance and ensure the safety of our Singaporeans abroad.




12     Singapore must aspire to be an extraordinary nation by strengthening our bilateral, regional and international relations and our international standing. We must be cognisant of our vulnerabilities, yet constantly search for fresh opportunities to enhance our relevance and expand our political, economic and diplomatic space. MFA will work closely with other government agencies, private sector organisations as well as our fellow citizens to safeguard and advance Singapore’s interests in an interconnected world.


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