MFA Spokesman's Comments on comments made by Mr Atmadji Sumarkidjo, Indonesia’s Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, about Indonesia having sent to Singapore a list of fugitives who have been convicted and fled Indonesia

28 April 2016


In response to media queries on comments made by Mr Atmadji Sumarkidjo from Indonesia’s Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs about Indonesia having sent to Singapore a list of fugitives who have been convicted and fled Indonesia, the MFA Spokesman said:           

           “We have not received such a list. The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also separately stated that it is not aware of a list or that a list has been sent to Singapore.

          Singapore and Indonesia signed the Extradition Treaty and Defence Cooperation Agreement as a package in April 2007, but both agreements are currently pending ratification by the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR). Singapore is ready to proceed with both agreements once Indonesia is ready to do so.

          Singapore and Indonesia have long-standing and close cooperation in the area of law enforcement. We will continue to work with Indonesia in dealing with criminal matters in accordance with our own laws and international obligations.” 


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28 APRIL 2016




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