MFA Press Statement: Visit by Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman to Bandung and Palembang, Indonesia, 25-28 Jul

27 July 2016

          Senior Minister of State (SMS), Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr Mohamad Maliki Osman visited Bandung in West Java from 25 to 26 July 2016, and is currently visiting Palembang in South Sumatra.


          In Bandung, SMS Maliki met Mayor Ridwan Kamil on 25 July 2016.  During the meeting, they reaffirmed the good economic links between Singapore and Bandung, and discussed ways to strengthen people-to-people exchanges.  SMS Maliki also met West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan and West Java Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) Speaker Ineu Purwadewi Sundari on 26 July 2016.  SMS Maliki exchanged views with the regional leaders on developments in Singapore and West Java, and Singapore’s cooperation with the region.  SMS also discussed possible areas of economic cooperation with representatives from the local business community.


          In Palembang, SMS Maliki had separate meetings with South Sumatra Governor Alex Noerdin and DPRD Speaker H.M. Giri Kiemas.  During the meetings, they discussed ways to deepen economic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between Singapore and South Sumatra.  They also exchanged views on the need to ensure environmentally sustainable land practices.  SMS also met representatives from environmental NGOs to discuss regional environmental issues.


          SMS Maliki visited two Islamic boarding schools during his visit – Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Sukamiskin in Bandung, and Pondok Pesantren Al Furqon in Palembang – and met the teachers and students there. 


          SMS Maliki will visit the Silk Air Flight MI 185 memorial in Palembang tomorrow before returning to Singapore.


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27 JULY 2016

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