MFA Press Statement: Condolence letters from President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to the President of the Republic of Cuba Raul Castro Ruz on the passing of former President Fidel Castro Ruz

                President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong have written to the President of the Councils of State and Ministers of the Republic of Cuba Raúl Castro Ruz to convey condolences on the passing of former President of the Republic of Cuba Fidel Castro Ruz on 25 November 2016.

                The texts of the letters are appended.

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28 NOVEMBER 2016


President Tony Tan Keng Yam’s letter to President Raúl Castro Ruz

28 November 2016


His Excellency Raúl Castro Ruz

President of the Councils of State and Ministers

Republic of Cuba


Your Excellency,

                On behalf of the people of Singapore, I offer our deepest condolences to you and the people of the Republic of Cuba on the passing of former President Fidel Castro Ruz on 25 November 2016.

                During his time as Prime Minister, and then President, His Excellency Fidel Castro Ruz made significant contributions to Cuba and the Cuban people, particularly in the provision of public healthcare and education.  His patriotism and single-minded dedication to Cuba never faltered.  His passing is a deep loss to the people of Cuba. 

                Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Cuba during this period of national mourning.


Yours sincerely,




Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s letter to President Raúl Castro Ruz

28 November 2016


Your Excellency,

                I was saddened to learn of the passing of former President of the Republic of Cuba Fidel Castro Ruz on 25 November 2016.  

                   His Excellency Fidel Castro Ruz led Cuba for five decades with unwavering dedication and commitment.  He was a patriot who shaped the history of Cuba.   Despite facing many challenges, he embarked on an education and health programme to uplift the lives of his people; in the process, he completely transformed his country.  Today, Cuba has achieved high standards of medical services and become renowned for its advancements in biotechnology.  Internationally, he was one of the icons of the 20th Century and has earned a place in history.  His contributions to Cuba will be long remembered by the Cuban people.  

                On behalf of the Government of Singapore, I extend to you and the Cuban people our deepest condolences at this time of great loss.


Yours sincerely



His Excellency Raúl Castro Ruz

President of the Councils of State and Ministers

Republic of Cuba

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