MFA Press Statement: Visit by Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman to Qatar, 2-3 April 2017

03 April 2017

     Senior Minister of State (SMS), Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman, who is currently on a working visit to the State of Qatar, called on Qatar Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser Bin Khalifa Al Thani earlier this morning.  During the meeting, Prime Minister Sheikh Abdullah and SMS Maliki affirmed the excellent bilateral cooperation between Singapore and Qatar.  SMS Maliki also conveyed an invitation letter from Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean to Prime Minister Sheikh Abdullah to co-chair the 8th Qatar-Singapore High-Level Joint Committee (HLJC) in Singapore later this year.  Prime Minister Sheikh Abdullah replied that he looked forward to the reconvening of the HLJC and to visiting Singapore.   

      Yesterday, SMS Maliki called on Qatar Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, and conveyed President Dr Tony Tan’s invitation to Qatar Emir His Highness Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani to make a State Visit to Singapore.  Reaffirming the strong bilateral relationship between Qatar and Singapore, Minister Sheikh Mohammad and SMS Maliki also discussed developments in Asia and the Middle East.   

      SMS Maliki also met with Qatar Minister of State for Defence Affairs Dr Khalid Bin Mohammed Al Attiyah to review Singapore-Qatar defence relations, and to convey Singapore’s appreciation to Qatar for facilitating our Singapore Armed Forces’ deployments in Qatar as part of Singapore’s contributions to the multinational coalition against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

      SMS Maliki’s visit programme in Qatar included a call on Qatar Minister of Municipality and Environment Mohammed Bin Abdullah Mitaib Al Rumaihi, as well as meetings with Managing Director of the Qatar Leadership Centre Sheikh Abdullah Bin Ali Al Thani and Qatar Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sultan Bin Saad Al Muraikhi, who hosted lunch for SMS Maliki and the Singapore delegation. 

      SMS Maliki will host a reception for the Singaporean community in Qatar this evening.  He will depart Doha for his introductory visit to Iran on 4 April 2017.

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3 APRIL 2017


Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr Maliki Osman making a call on Qatar Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser Bin Khalifa Al Thani, 3 April 2017. [Photo credit: Qatar Emiri Diwan]
Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr Maliki Osman with Qatar Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, 2 April 2017. [Photo credit: Qatar Ministry of Foreign Affairs]
Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr Maliki Osman met with Qatar’s Minister of State for Defence Affairs Dr Khalid Bin Mohammed Al Attiyah, 2 April 2017. [Photo credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore]

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