MFA Press Statement: Congratulatory Messages from Singapore's Leaders to Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Indonesian Minister for Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi on the Occasion of Indonesia's 72nd Independence Day, 17 August 2017

16 August 2017

        President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong have written to Indonesian President Joko Widodo, and Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan has written to Indonesian Minister for Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, to convey their congratulations on the occasion of Indonesia’s 72nd Independence Day on 17 August 2017.  2017 also marks the 50th year of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Singapore.  The text of the letters are appended.

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16 AUGUST 2017






Congratulatory Message from President Tony Tan Keng Yam to Indonesian President Joko Widodo



17 August 2017



His Excellency H. Joko Widodo


Republic of Indonesia



Your Excellency,



         On behalf of the people of Singapore, I would like to warmly congratulate Your Excellency and the people of the Republic of Indonesia on the auspicious occasion of Indonesia’s 72nd Independence Day.


        Singapore and Indonesia share a close and enduring friendship.  This year is special for our two countries as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations.  Bilateral ties between our two countries are strong and multi-faceted, underpinned by frequent political exchanges and robust economic links.  As founding members of ASEAN, Singapore and Indonesia also cooperate closely to advance the common interests of our region. 


       I am heartened that relations between our two peoples are growing steadily, bolstered by regular educational, cultural and youth exchanges.  As we look ahead to the future of bilateral relations, I am confident that the younger generation in Singapore and Indonesia will bring the strong relationship between our two countries to even greater heights.


        I wish you good health and continued success in your endeavour to bring growth and prosperity to Indonesia.




Yours sincerely,








Congratulatory Message from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Indonesian President Joko Widodo



17 August 2017



Dear President Jokowi,



        Congratulations on the joyous occasion of Indonesia’s 72nd Independence Day!


        Indonesia has undergone profound changes and made tremendous progress since its independence in 1945. Under your stewardship, Indonesia enjoys economic growth and stability, and plays a strong leadership role on the regional and international stage. You have taken bold steps to better the lives of Indonesians by creating jobs, upgrading skills, improving business processes, and boosting infrastructure development. I am confident that Indonesia will continue to thrive and prosper in the years ahead.


        Indonesia is a close and important partner to Singapore. We cooperate in a wide range of areas for the mutual benefit of our two peoples, including trade, investment, tourism, security and defence. This year is particularly significant as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of bilateral relations. The theme of “RISING50” reflects our confidence that the close partnership between our two countries will continue to flourish for generations to come. 


        I am delighted that our Ministers and officials have been making progress on several of the bilateral initiatives we discussed in Semarang last year, including the Kendal Industrial Park, energy cooperation, and tourism development. I look forward to hosting you in Singapore for the Leaders’ Retreat next month, and to continue our fruitful discussion on how to strengthen our cooperation and bring our bilateral relations to greater heights.


        I wish you continued good health and happiness.



Yours sincerely







His Excellency H. Joko Widodo


Republic of Indonesia





Congratulatory Message from Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan to Indonesian Minister for Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi




17 August 2017



Her Excellency Retno L.P. Marsudi

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Republic of Indonesia



Dear Ibu Retno,



        I would like to convey my warmest congratulations on Indonesia’s 72nd Independence Day.


         Indonesia has much to celebrate on this joyous occasion.   Indonesia is both an engine of economic growth in our region and an active player in the international community.  Indonesia also continues to play an important leadership role in ASEAN.


        Our bilateral relations have grown from strength to strength over the years.  We have a longstanding relationship underpinned by strong historical and cultural links.  Earlier this year, when we jointly launched the celebrations for RISING50 – the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations – I spoke on the strategic trust between our two countries, and I believe it is this trust that has underpinned our wide-ranging collaboration on many fronts including trade and investment, security, defence, education and culture.  I also appreciate our strong cooperation in ASEAN, where we share a common interest in the peace and stability of our region.


        As we reflect on our bilateral achievements over the last 50 years, I am confident we are able to explore many more new opportunities to cooperate for the mutual benefit of our peoples.  I look forward to continue working with you to broaden and deepen our ties as trusted partners, RISING together. 


         I wish you continued good health and continued success.


 Yours sincerely,





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