Remarks by Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan at the Upgrading of Batam Mission and at the Singapore National Day Reception in Batam, 30 August 2017

30 August 2017




30 AUGUST 2017

Governor Nurdin Basirun

Distinguished guests

Fellow Singaporeans

I wish all of you a very good evening.  I’m happy to see so many familiar faces, including Singaporeans and our Indonesian friends.  I am glad to be back in Batam.  In fact, I was just here a few months ago.  I’m also glad that Bapak Governor was just in Singapore recently for discussions with our Economic Development Board (EDB) on more economic opportunities for the people in KEPRI.  This reflects the close neighbourliness, the ease with which we interact, and the trust that we have in each other.  And because this relationship is so important, we have upgraded our Consulate in Batam to a Consulate-General, which I just officiated at earlier today. 

We mark 50 years of diplomatic relations this year.  In fact, this is why Bapak President Jokowi will be in Singapore on 7 September 2017 – the exact date that we celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Singapore.  KEPRI is our closest neighbour in Indonesia, and Singapore has always believed in KEPRI’s potential.  Almost 30 years ago, Singapore and Indonesia collaborated on the Batamindo Industrial Park.  Today, Singapore is the largest cumulative investor in KEPRI, with a total stock investment of US$1.93 billion.  Our companies continue to pursue opportunities in manufacturing and electronics, and are also exploring new areas in the digital economy and fintech space. 


In Batam, we are partnering to develop the digital industry. We are glad that 500 participants took part in the RISING50 Hackathon organised by EDB at the Batam State Polytechnic in May 2017.  Two groups of Batam Polytechnic lecturers have undergone training in the digital sector by Singapore’s Temasek Polytechnic.  In fact, some of them are here tonight. 


Singapore will also continue to work with KEPRI on human resource development.  So far, almost 300 officials from KEPRI have attended English courses conducted under the Singapore Cooperation Programme since 2008.  Tourism is another area of cooperation.  Singapore makes up more than half of the tourists to KEPRI, with almost a million visits from Singapore to KEPRI last year.  Many Singaporeans love to come here to Batam or Bintan for a classic getaway on the weekend, for a round of golf and of course, wonderful food.


Our relations with KEPRI, however, are not just about economics or tourism, but also the friendship that links our people together.  Our Consulate-General has been working with Mayor Muhammad Rudi to promote learning, and I’m pleased to present a donation of a collection of books from the Singapore National Library Board to three schools in Batam.  I was also told that there are some volunteers from the Rainbow Connection here.  This is a group of Singaporeans who conducts classes in English, arts and crafts, and cooking at the Radmila Children’s Home and the Tiangwangkang village.  In fact, we also have some very special guests to thank – the children from Radmila Children’s Home, who will perform some traditional songs for us later.   I also want to acknowledge members of the Batam Singapore Community Club who led us in singing the two National Anthems earlier. 

In conclusion, I wish all of you success and happiness in the years ahead.  As is customary, allow me to end my remarks with a pantun:


Belakang Padang Sebelah Sambu

Bunga Seroja tak kan lah layu

Indonesia – Singapura Bahu membahu

Berkerja sama, bantu membantu


[Belakang Padang next to Sambu[1]

Lotus flower will not wither

Indonesia – Singapura cooperate together

Work together and help one another]


               Terima kasih, selamat malam.


.     .     .     .     .





30 AUGUST 2017


Distinguished guests

Ladies and gentlemen


Thank you all for joining us on this auspicious occasion as we upgrade our Consulate to a Consulate General.  Relations between the Republic of Indonesia and Singapore are longstanding, stable, good, and deep.  It is a partnership based on mutual trust, and a commitment to look forward to the future and all we can achieve.  2017 is a special milestone year because we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of our diplomatic relations on 7 September.   That’s why, on 7 September, Bapak President Jokowi will be coming to Singapore for the Singapore-Indonesia Leaders’ Retreat, where he and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will be able to discuss our plans for the future.

Singapore and KEPRI have a special relationship.  This is the part of Indonesia that is closest to Singapore, both geographically and in spirit. And there have been frequent exchanges.  The fact that you can take a 40min or hour-long ferry ride between Singapore and KEPRI means that there is always a frequent level of exchanges, both at the people-to-people as well as at the leadership level.  I remember hosting Mayor Muhammad Rudi last October in Singapore.  We were very happy to welcome you to Singapore and you must come again.  As for me, I’ve been here twice in the last four months.  And the EDB has also hosted BP Batam’s visit to Singapore in October 2016. 


Singapore is KEPRI’s largest investor in terms of the total stock of investments, and our companies are working hard in various areas – not only in the traditional industries like electronics, but also in new and emerging fields like the digital sector.  At the people-to-people level, there is a very high intensity of visitors – some one million tourists from Singapore visited KEPRI last year.  I am sure this number will go up even further as we improve connectivity between KEPRI and Singapore.


Because we are committed to doing more, we decided to upgrade our Consulate, and that’s why I’m here this morning.  In the presence of all of you as witnesses, I am pleased to announce the upgrading of our Consulate to the Singapore Consulate-General in Batam, and the appointment of Mr Gavin Chay as Consul-General.  Let’s all congratulate him.  I seek your support – many of you in this room have been involved in our relationship for many years and decades – and I hope you will continue to support and encourage this very special relationship.  I look forward to seeing all of you later this evening at the National Day Reception. 


I have been told that in Batam, it is customary to end your speech with a pantun:


Martabak Har dekat Nagoya

Pesan Kopi O dengan Prata

50 tahun Indonesia - Singapura

Hubungan pun semakin mesra


[Martabak Har[2] close to Nagoya

We order hot coffee with prata

50 Years of Indonesia – Singapore

Relations getting closer]


Thank you.

.     .     .     .     .

[1] Belakang Padang and Pulau Sambu, in KEPRI, are located off the west of Batam Island and northwest of Batam Island respectively.

[2] Martabak Har is a local eating house in Batam.

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