MFA Press Statement: Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan's Meeting with Dato' Saifuddin Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia, in Putrajaya, Malaysia on 4 September 2018

04 September 2018

Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan met the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia, Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah, on 4 September 2018 in Putrajaya.


  Minister Balakrishnan and Dato’ Saifuddin reaffirmed the strong and longstanding bilateral ties between Singapore and Malaysia. The Ministers discussed ways that both countries could work together in a constructive manner bilaterally, and in the context of ASEAN, for the benefit of our peoples. They also exchanged views on a range of issues of common interest, including Singapore’s priorities as ASEAN Chair in 2018 and the situation in Rakhine State.


  Minister Balakrishnan is part of the delegation accompanying Deputy Prime Minister & Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean on a working visit to Malaysia and will join Deputy Prime Minister Teo’s meetings in Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya on 4 and 5 September 2018.


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