MFA Press Statement: Visit by Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Social and Family Development Sam Tan to Berlin, Germany for the 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial, 25 to 26 October 2018

24 October 2018

Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Social and Family Development Sam Tan will visit Berlin, Germany from 25 to 26 October 2018 to attend the 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial as part of Singapore’s ongoing engagement of the Arctic since becoming an Arctic Council observer in 2013.


Co-hosted by Finland (Chair of the Arctic Council), Germany and the European Commission, the 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial will follow-up on the discussions at the inaugural Arctic Science Ministerial held in September 2016 to advance and encourage further scientific cooperation in the Arctic. It will gather Ministers and high-level officials from the Arctic Council member states, observers and representatives of Arctic indigenous peoples. MOS will speak during the plenary session “Assessing the vulnerability and importance of resilience of the Arctic environment and its societies” on 26 October. He will also meet key Arctic personalities.


The 2nd Arctic Science Ministerial will be preceded by an Arctic Science Forum on 25 October. Singapore will be represented at the Forum by Acting Chair of the Nanyang Technological University Asian School of the Environment Professor Benjamin Horton who will give a presentation on the impact of sea-level rise.


MOS will be accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



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24 OCTOBER 2018

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