MFA Press Statement: Congratulatory Letters on the Appointment of President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong

25 October 2018

President Halimah Yacob and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong have written to President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong, to congratulate him on his appointment as President on 23 October 2018. The text of the letters is appended.


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25 OCTOBER 2018



Letter from President Halimah Yacob to President Nguyen Phu Trong

23 October 2018



His Excellency Nguyen Phu Trong


Socialist Republic of Vietnam



Your Excellency,



On behalf of the people of Singapore, I extend my warmest congratulations on your appointment as President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


Singapore and Vietnam enjoy excellent relations across all sectors. This year, we commemorate the 45thanniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and the 5th anniversary of the establishment of the Strategic Partnership between our countries. Singapore and Vietnam share many common interests and work closely in multilateral fora, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and ASEAN. I look forward to working with you to further strengthen the ties between our two countries in the coming years.


Please accept my wishes for Your Excellency’s continued good health and success. I would also like to take the opportunity to invite you to make a State Visit to Singapore at a mutually convenient time.



Yours sincerely,





Letter from PM Lee to President Nguyen Phu Trong


23 October 2018


Dear President Trong,


               On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Singapore, I would like to convey my warmest congratulations on your appointment as President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


               This year, our two countries celebrated a milestone in our bilateral relations, with the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations and the 5th anniversary of the establishment of the Strategic Partnership. Singapore and Vietnam enjoy excellent relations underpinned by our cooperation in numerous areas such as economics, finance, defence and security. We also cooperate well in ASEAN and other regional and international fora. I look forward to working with you to take our bilateral relationship to even greater heights.


               I enjoyed the fruitful discussions we had when I visited Hanoi last year. I wish you good health and continued success, and look forward to meeting you again soon.  


Yours sincerely,



His Excellency Nguyen Phu Trong


Socialist Republic of Vietnam

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