MFA Press Statement: Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan's meeting with Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China, Song Tao, 23 March 2019

23 March 2019

Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Song Tao called on and was hosted to lunch by Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan today.   Minister Song is visiting Singapore at the invitation of Minister Balakrishnan.


Minister Balakrishnan and Minister Song reaffirmed the excellent state of bilateral relations.  They noted the regular exchange of high-level visits and discussed the broad and substantive cooperation between the two countries.  Both Ministers agreed to further strengthen bilateral cooperation in a number of areas, including the Belt and Road Initiative, as well as Party-to-Party links.  They welcomed more extensive people-to-people engagements at various levels, which would further enhance mutual understanding.


The two Ministers reaffirmed the importance of an open and rules-based multilateral system.  They also exchanged views on major developments in the region and the world.  Minister Song expressed appreciation for Singapore’s contributions to strengthen ASEAN-China cooperation during our coordinatorship of ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations and also Chairmanship of ASEAN. 


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23 MARCH 2019

Photo Caption: Call on Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan by HE Song Tao,Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday, 23 March 2019.

Photo caption: Lunch hosted by Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan for HE Song Tao, Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday, 23 March 2019.

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