Visit by Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Social and Family Development, Sam Tan to Rovaniemi, Finland, for the 11th Arctic Council Ministerial Meeting, 6 to 8 May 2019

05 May 2019

Minister of State (MOS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Social and Family Development, Sam Tan will visit Rovaniemi, Finland, from 6 to 8 May 2019 to attend the 11th Arctic Council (AC) Ministerial Meeting.


The AC is a high-level intergovernmental forum for discussing political, economic, environmental and scientific issues concerning the governments and inhabitants of the Arctic region. The work of the AC includes issues such as sustainable development and environmental protection of the Arctic region. The AC also disseminates information, encourages education, and promotes interest in the Arctic. The AC Members States are Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, and the United States.


The 11th AC Ministerial Meeting will review the progress made during Finland’s two-year Chairmanship of the AC. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Chairmanship of the AC will be handed over to Iceland for the term 2019 to 2021. This is the third time that Singapore is attending the AC Ministerial Meeting since becoming an Observer in the AC in 2013. 


While in Rovaniemi, MOS Tan will meet with key Arctic interlocutors. 


MOS Tan will be accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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5 MAY 2019

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