Condolence Letter on the Passing of President of The Lugar Center and former Chairman of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee Richard Lugar, 3 May 2019

03 May 2019

     Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has written to Mrs Charlene Lugar, to offer his condolences on the passing of President of The Lugar Center and former Chairman of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee Richard Lugar.


     The text of the letter is appended.



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3 MAY 2019




Letter from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Mrs Charlene Lugar



2 May 2019



Dear Mrs Lugar,



I am saddened to learn of the passing of your beloved husband, Senator Richard Lugar.


Senator Lugar was a thoughtful, passionate and distinguished flag-bearer of America. He was one of the most influential voices in the Republican Party on foreign policy, well-respected on both sides of the aisle. He was a firm friend of Singapore and convinced of the importance of U.S. engagement of Asia. His innumerable contributions, including his tireless efforts to curb the proliferation of nuclear weapons, have made the world a safer place today.


I met Senator Lugar several times over the years, and feel fortunate to have benefitted from his wisdom and experience. The first time was when he visited Singapore in 1989 and was hosted to dinner by then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. The leases on the U.S. bases at Clarke Airbase and Subic Bay were expiring, and the issue of the U.S. security presence in the region was in the air. It was on that occasion that Senator Lugar and Mr Lee first discussed the possibility of Singapore hosting visits by U.S. ships and aircraft, which led to the 1990 Memorandum of Understanding Regarding United States Use of Facilities in Singapore and later, the 2005 Strategic Framework Agreement which recognised Singapore as a Major Security Cooperation Partner of the U.S..


Later, I would make it a point to call on Senator Lugar each time I was in Washington. It was always enlightening to hear his perspectives and insights, and to sense his deep belief in America’s global role. The last time I did so was in 2010. I was saddened to read in 2012 that he had been defeated in the Republican primary. It was a loss of a good friend of Singapore in the Senate, and a sign of the changing political climate in the U.S..


Senator Lugar will be warmly remembered for his many contributions to his country. My thoughts are with you and your family in this time of loss.



With deepest sympathies,

Yours sincerely,







Mrs Charlene Lugar

United States of America

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